project folder:

mkdir my-flask-app-name cd my-flask-app-name


python --version should give version 3, for example 3.9.13 pip --version pipenv --version if need be: pip install pipenv


make sure you're in the project folder pipenv install flask flask-sqlalchemy sqlalchemy-serializer flask-restful pipenv shell creates a pipfile in the project folder

new file

code sections:

  • imports

  • initialise flask app

  • start flask server

start server with python or flask run

code section:

  • test route

test the test route with postman

code section:

  • app db config

code section:

  • models

  • start with 3 simple classes (just fields)
  • Product, Buyer, Review

command line:

flask shell from app import db,Product,Buyer,Review db.create_all() to create actual db tables

still from flask shell show how to create records: p = Product(desc="thing one",price=1.23,qty=44) db.session.add(p) db.session.commit() b1 = Buyer(name="Tom") b2 = Buyer(name="Jane") db.session.add_all([b1,b2]) db.session.commit()

add relationships between model classes

  • Product < --- >> Review
  • Buyer < --- >> Review

add SerializerMixin to model classes

add serialize_rules to model classes

code sections:

  • get all products

  • get all buyers

re-start server with python or flask run