Policy Composition

This repo demonstrates a mechanism to create hierarchical Enterprise Contract policy configurations.

The general idea is to leverage Kustomize to specify derivations of a base policy configuration.

The output are multiple policy configurations meant to be used individually while making it easy to manage common attributes between them. For example, enforcing that policies "inherit" common attributes defined in a single place, but also allowing custom changes as needed.


The src directory contains subdirectories for each expected policy configuration. Some of them are self-contained, e.g. redhat, while others derive from others, e.g. product-one.

The policies directory holds the generated policy configurations. These are meant to be used as is when using the Enteprise Contract. They should not be updated manually. They are updated by running make from the root of this repository.

The Makefile is a convenient way to invoke the generate.sh script. This script iterates through all the directories under src, generates policy configurations accordingly, and stores the output under the policies directory.


Due to enterprise-contract/ec-cli#1040, the src files and the policies files have a different format.

The files in src are EnterpriseContractConfig custom kubernetes resources. This is needed because kustomize only works with kubernetes resources.

The files in policies are in the non-kubernetes policy configuration format because of enterprise-contract/ec-cli#1040. Once that issue is addressed, both directories could use the same format.