Quadrotor UTFSM

Linus Casassa <lcasassa@gmail.com>
Electronic engineering student UTFSM

Based on Olimex STM32-H103 Header Board.


This is what I use:
1x Header Board for STM32 Cortex-M3 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/8559
1x IMU Digital Combo Board ITG3200/ADXL345 http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10121
2x XBee Pro 50mW http://www.sparkfun.com/products/10421
1x RX 8 channels walkera
1x TX 6 channels walkera
4x ESC with simon's firmware https://github.com/sim-/tgy
4x Brushless motors AXI 2808/24
2x APC 10 x 4.7 Slow Flyer Propeller http://www.amainhobbies.com/
2x APC 10 x 4.7 Slow Flyer Pusher Propeller http://www.amainhobbies.com/
1x Futaba gyro - I have not yet made a tail control with the ITG3200.

Do not forget the cables to connect everything.

Thanks to the libopencm3 proyect for ther library!

This is the control diagram for each axis angle control:

   / \    -----  / \    ------    --------      -------
---| |----| P |--| |----| PI |----| Quad |------| 1/s |--------
   \ /    -----  \ /    ------    --------   |  -------   |
    |             |                          |            |
    |             -----------Gyro-------------            |
    |                                                     |

With the gyro, the accelerometer and a kalman filter or alfa beta filter you can get the Angle.
The input is the Angle reference given by the joystick.


Please install libopencm3 on ../libopencm3 or change de Makefile.Include file to point it to another directory.

Just do a:
make flash

Happy hacking!