MacBook Setup

Apple ID

Create an Account on the MacBook using your Rolls-Royce Apple ID.

If you have a RR issued iPhone, this should be {firstname}.{lastname}

If you do not have a RR issued iPhone, follow these steps to create a new Apple ID using your email.


Install each of the following in order.


Ask your manager to assign to you a norton licence. You will receive a link by email to download the installation file. Follow the installation process by executing the installer.

Strap MacOS

This will make sure your disk is encrypted, OS up to date, install some developing software among other things. (to learn more check out:

Open the Terminal (Application/Other/Terminal

mkdir -p ~/src
cd ~/src
git clone # if git is not installed, it will ask. Run this line again if it is the case.
cd macbook-strap

It will ask for the sudo password (your macos account password) and may request to restart several times. On restart keep executing bash until you get:

--> Your system is now Strap'd!

You can re-run as it is idempotent. It will check that all steps have not been done or undone and do them.

Please run once a week/month or so to make sure your system complies and is up to date.

Google Chrome Extensions

Install the following extensions from the web store:

VS Code Extensions

Install the following extensions to align with development practices.

Run the following from a terminal. You may need to follow this step to make code a a valid command.

# list of extensions to install

# install extensions
for ext in "${EXTENSIONS[@]}";
    echo "Installing extension: $ext"
    code --install-extension $ext

Upload SSH Key to Azure DevOps

To enable SSH access to Azure DevOps, follow these steps.