
Twitter UI clone for study purposes

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Responsive Twitter UI clone


AboutDeployTechnologiesGetting Started [ RequirementsInstall ]

📜 About the project

This is a project made with the intention of training responsivity in websites, the use of flexbox and to test the react-stickybox lib to simulate Twitter's sidebar behaviour.

The project was made based on this layout on figma: layout.

🚀 Deploy

You can access the aplication following this link: https://clever-meitner-5b033e.netlify.app/

📑 Technologies

💻 Getting Started



# Clone repository
$ git clone https://github.com/lcastrof/twitter-clone

# Access directory
$ cd twitter-clone

# Install dependecies
$ yarn install


$ yarn start

Developed by Lucas de Castro Fernandino