
Primary LanguagePython



  1. We are using Python 3.8 for development.

  2. install package from pypi

    pip3 install degit==0.0.1
  3. We are using Ganache to create a blockchain network at local environment for development and testing.

    Please head to the Ganache website and download it.

    Once you have installed Ganache, you can simple click on quickstart and you should be able to call degit functions.

    Remember to define the RPC_SERVER environment variable, by default the value is which is the default network of Ganache.

Also please put your private key in the .key file. Degit will automatically load the key and use it for git operations. Or run degit login <key path> under repository folder.

How to run tests

Option 1: test.py

We have prepare a test.py for your convenient.

Before you run the tests, you must put in two different private key to a.key and b.key under test/.
(you can randomly pick 2 from Ganache).

You should obtain a console output similar to this one:

Owner's Log:

File last modified time on Owner machine: 2022-05-08 12:25:00
Initialized Repository. State file created in current directory.
Committed files:

Staged files:


Commit 076bb1b40881a287b47ca56d7d17d2c54815dd36 was successful.
Contract deployed to chain, contract address: 0x7B9ef343909fD32b8Ad7c9667Dc49Dd4034e4742. 
Pushed commits "076bb1b40881a287b47ca56d7d17d2c54815dd36" to repository "test".
Whitelisted user of address: 0xbe2545A975e8A6Efd0BA5c4600aE4CfA228DA8b5
Dumped repository config to ./repo_config.pkl.

Friend's Log:

Loaded repository config from ./repo_config.pkl
Replace your repository by commit 076bb1b40881a287b47ca56d7d17d2c54815dd36
File last modified time on friend machine: 2022-05-08 12:25:07

Process finished with exit code 0

This test.py mimic two users (1 owner and 1 collaborator):

  1. The owner has written some code in test.txt
  2. The owner runs degit init test (test is the repository name)
  3. The owner runs degit add test.txt
  4. The owner runs degit commit
  5. The owner runs degit push to push test.txt to the blockchain network
  6. The owner gets his friend account address and runs degit whitelist_add_user <friend_address>
  7. The owner runs degit dump_repository_config
  8. The friend runs degit load_repository_config
  9. The friend runs degit pull
  10. The friend now has the test.txt in his machine

The printed file last modified time shows that the file is truly replaced by the one pulled from the repository.

Option 2: CLI Demo

We have recorded a Youtube Demo for your convenient.

Watch the video

User A

mkdir repo_a 
cd repo_a
# login to A account
degit login ../test/a.key
# Repo init
degit init new_project
# create files to add and commit
touch README.MD 1.txt
degit add README.MD 1.txt
degit reset README.MD

degit commit 

# degit push <branch name>
degit push master 

# add user to the repo whitelist
degit whitelist add 0x0513E128c27B6E306D980661F39d0535A4d7133f
# degit whitelist remove 0x0513E128c27B6E306D980661F39d0535A4d7133f

# dump ABI and contract address 
degit dump_repository_config

User B

# create second folder to clone repo
mkdir ../repo_b/ 
cp ./repo_config.pkl ../repo_b/
cd ../repo_b/

degit login ../test/b.key
degit init tester
# restore abi and contract address 
degit load_repository_config

degit pull 


At the moment we are using HKUST provided endpoint to upload file and download file.

In the future, we might deploy a smart contract ourselves as a decentralized filestorage.

Smart Contract

At the moment we have ./contracts/Repository.sol only.

This is the template repository we defined to allow user to create repository with access control.

Limited Functions

It is unfortunate that due to limited time and team members, we are unable to replicate git fully.