Documentation for Campsites123

Developers: Luke Chambers, Jessica Salter, Malcolm Strong, Michael Mann

About: The Campsites123 website allows users to search for campsites based on a user entered address. On submission of the location a google map will populate centered on the submitted location. Google map markers are then dynamically generated identifying the location of campsites with in the area. The campsite markers contain campsite specific information such as the campsite name, a campsite specific image, and park amenities. The search is limited to the United States, this limitation was introduced in part fullfilment of project requirements for the validation of user input. The website will also provide user feedback if the search location is invalid.

References: This website was designed to meet the requirements of the first group project assignment for the GT Coding Bootcamp 2017 Cohort 2.

The website utalizes html, css, bootstrap, javascript, jquery for front end design.

A node.js server manages api responses from google maps api and active network api.

The website is depolyed on heroku and github.