Welcome to create-sveltekit-pwa πŸ‘‹

Version Documentation Maintenance License: MIT

A CLI tool to add PWA functionality to you Sveltekit Project that works GREAT in 5 Minutes!

🏠 Homepage


npx create-sveltekit-pwa@latest

Created Directories/Files

  1. Created/Modified files or if they exist, they will be prepended to.
    1. ./src/app.html (If it exists, it will prepend the current file)
    2. ./static/manifest.json (If it exists, it will prepend the current file)
    3. ./src/service-worker.js (If it exists, it will prepend the current file)

Todo's after CLI install

  1. Update Manifest.json fields accordingly.
  2. Open app.html and confirm the addition by deleting whatever needs deleting.
  3. Build your app in the terminal npm run build
  4. Preview your app in the terminal npm run preview Should Give you a prompt to Install App
  5. Run your app in the terminal npm run dev and continue you development.
  6. Enjoy the creating and if you have any issues, visit my github repo and create an issue.


πŸ‘€ Lee Charles Laing big2tinydev@gmail.com

🀝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check issues page.

Show your support 🍡 or πŸ₯ͺ = 😁😊

Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you out made life just a tiny bit easier!

I'd be super grateful if you felt like buying me a "Coffee🍡or SandwichπŸ₯ͺ"

Donate a 🍡 or πŸ₯ͺ

πŸ“ License

Copy-Right/Copy-Claim 2022 :Lee-Charles :Laing: big2tinydev@gmail.com.

This project is MIT licensed.

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