
featExtract is the program used to extract SIFT-Ranked [1] features from images. It accepts nifti images (.nii, .hdr, .nii.gz) as input, and output a list of keypoints and their descriptors.


Volumetric local feature extraction v1.1
Usage: featExtract [options] <input image> <output features>
      <input image>: nifti (.nii,.hdr,.nii.gz).
      <output features>: output file with features.


-wOutput feature geometry in world coordinates, NIFTI qto_xyz matrix (default is voxel units).
-2+Double input image size.
-2-Halve input image size.


The program will output a .key file (with the same name as the input file), containing a list of features, with their coordinates, scale, orientation, and descriptor.


featMatchMultiple is the program, based on FLANN library [2], used to match features.


Volumetric Feature matching v1.1
Usage: featMatchMultiple [options] -f <input filelist>
      <input filelist>: Text file containing the list of .key files (from featExtract). 1 key file per line.


-nNumber of nearest neighbors. Default: 5.


The program will output different files:

_command.txtThe complete command used to generate this results (for logging purpose).
_names.txtList of the input image filename
matching_votes.txtNxN matrix containing the accumulation of the weighted votes for each pair of image.
The most important file.
feature_count.txtThe number of features for each input file.
vote_count.txtNxN matrix containing the accumulation of the non-weighted votes for each pair of image.


Data used in [ref] will be available soon.


[1] Toews, Matthew, and William Wells. "Sift-rank: Ordinal description for invariant feature correspondence." 2009 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. IEEE, 2009.
[2] Muja, Marius, and David G. Lowe. "Scalable nearest neighbor algorithms for high dimensional data." IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 36.11 (2014): 2227-2240.