Thanks to Knowledge-Wisdom-Understanding (MrPMillz) for making the script cleaner and fixing the header payloads.


git clone https://github.com/gotr00t0day/forbiddenpass.git

cd forbiddenpass

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

python3 forbiddenpass.py -h


___________         ___.   .__    .___  .___           __________                                        
\_   _____/_________\_ |__ |__| __| _/__| _/____   ____\______   \_____    ______ ______                 
 |    __)/  _ \_  __ \ __ \|  |/ __ |/ __ |/ __ \ /    \|     ___/\__  \  /  ___//  ___/                 
 |     \(  <_> )  | \/ \_\ \  / /_/ / /_/ \  ___/|   |  \    |     / __ \_\___ \ \___ \                  
 \___  / \____/|__|  |___  /__\____ \____ |\___  >___|  /____|    (____  /____  >____  >                 
     \/                  \/        \/    \/    \/     \/               \/     \/     \/   v1.0           
usage: forbiddenpass.py [-h] [-p domain.com] [-d filename.txt] [-t site.com]                             
optional arguments:                                                                                      
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit                                                  
  -p domain.com, --path domain.com                                                                       
                        path to check                                                                    
  -d filename.txt, --domains filename.txt                                                                
                        domains to check                                                                 
  -t site.com, --target site.com                                                                         
                        domain to check 


domains to check

python3 forbiddenpass.py -d domains.txt

domains to check with a path

python3 forbiddenpass.py -d domains.txt --path login

scan a single target

python3 forbiddenpass.py -t https://site

scan a single target with a path

 python3 forbiddenpass.py -t https://site --path login


inspired by https://github.com/iamj0ker/bypass-403
bypass-403 doesn't support scanning multiple domains and I needed to speed things up a bit so forbiddenpass was created