
Fusion object to generate a link tag in your Flow Framework or Neos CMS project

MIT LicenseMIT

BSD License Latest Stable Version

StyleSheet Fusion Prototypes

This package contains Fusion prototypes to work with StyleSheets in your Flow Framework and Neos CMS project.

Available Objects


Generate a HTML link element in HTML5:

stylesheets.main = Ttree.StyleSheet:Resource {
    uri = 'resource://Your.Package/Public/Styles/Main.css'
    cacheBusting = true

You can disable HTTP cache busting by setting cacheBusting to false.

Set inline to true to inline the content of the resource.


Generate a HTML link element in HTML5:

stylesheets.main = Ttree.StyleSheet:External {
    uri = 'http://www.domain.com/main.css'


Development sponsored by ttree ltd - neos solution provider.

We try our best to craft this package with a lots of love, we are open to sponsoring, support request, ... just contact us.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see LICENSE for more information.