maintained by MarvAmBass
FAQ - All you need to know about the marvambass Containers
A Docker Subversion Apache2 Container (based on marvambass/apache2-ssl-php).
It gives you automatically daily dumps of your SVN Repos for your Backup. Also you are able to create a new Project by just adding a new Folder to your repository root directory.
You can control the access of your Project with a htpasswd file in combination with a authz file.
You may create the following two files. If you don't need access control you can just skip this step.
Create authz file like this example:
admin = user1,user2, testuser
devgroup = user5, user6
@admin = rw
@devgroup = r
# devgroup members are able to read and write on project2
@devgroup = rw
# admins have control over every project - and can list all projects on the root point
@admin = rw
# everybody is able to read repos and sees all projects
* = r
To add a new User like 'testuser' with password 'test' use the following command
htpasswd -c $DAV_SVN_CONF/dav_svn.passwd testuser
Or if you're to lazy, just use this line for your file (for testing only!)
docker run \
-d \
-v $SVN:/var/local/svn \
-v $SVN_BACKUP:/var/svn-backup \
-v $DAV_SVN_CONF/:/etc/apache2/dav_svn/ \
--name subversion marvambass/subversion \