IP Util Functions Library
A library of useful functions related to IP (v4 and v6).
# Using npm
$ npm install --save ip-utils
# or Using yarn
$ yarn install --save ip-utils
// Import the Library
import * as ip from 'ip-util';
// Use any of the contained methods
ip.validIp(''); // True
// Alternatively - import functions selectively
import { validIp } from 'ip-util'
validIp(''); // True
// Import the Library
const ip = require('ip-util');
// Use any of the contained methods
ip.validIp(''); // True
// IP Object
// Can be chained with
ip('').isValid() // True
ip('').isReserved() // False
ip('').isPrivate() // False
ip('').getOctet(1) // '1'
ip('').getOctetArray() // ['1', '1', '1', '1']
ip('').containedBy('') // True
// Subnet Object
// Can be chained with
subnet('').networkAddress() // '
subnet('').broadcastAddress() // '
subnet('').firstHost() // '
subnet('').lastHost() // '
subnet('').mask() // '
subnet('').contains('') // True
networkAddress: '',
broadcastAddress: '',
numberHosts: 254,
inclusiveNumberHosts: 256,
firstHostAddress: '',
lastHostAddress: '',
mask: '',
cidrMask: 24
// All individual Functions
isValidIp('') // True
isValidIpv4('') // True
isValidIpv6('fe80:0:0:0:204:61ff:fe9d:f156') // True
toLong('') //3232235777
fromLong(3232235777) //
toString(3232235777) // As Above (deprecated)
isPrivate('') // False
isReserved('') // True
getOctetArray('') // ['50', '11', '12', '13']
getOctet('', 2) // '11'
networkAddress: '',
broadcastAddress: '',
numberHosts: 254,
inclusiveNumberHosts: 256,
firstHostAddress: '',
lastHostAddress: '',
mask: '',
cidrMask: 24
subnetInfo('', '') // As above
broadcastAddress('') // ''
networkAddress('') // ''
firstHost('') // ''
lastHost('') // ''
numberHosts('') // 126
mask('') // ''
maskToCidr('') // '24'
cidrToMask('') // 27
contains('', '') // True
Any and contributions are very welcome - be it:
- features that you implement yourself and then PR back.
- Ideas/Requests for new features.
- Suggestions for improvements.
New Functions can be written in src directory and then added as export in src/index.ts Corresponding unit tests can be written in spec directory
Commit Format
The project uses commitizen to standardise commits in format:
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
Workflow is as follows:
- Mark issue your working with label - Status:In Progress
- Implement fix/feature
- Submit PR to develop branch
- PR will be reviewed/merged
- Upon milestones develop will be merged to master
- Master commits spawn a CI job to deploy new version to npm
ip-utils is released under the MIT license