Simple simulation of a crossroad


Application is representing a simple crossroad simulation based on a time loop and events.

Simulator is composed of "infinity" time loop, which is located in the simulator business logic itself. This infinity loop is polling events from priority queue. Sorting in the queue is based on "time". Time is the double number, which in simulator represented as a unit of virtual seconds.

In implementation are 3 full "events" and the car event :)

  • Car is not the true event. Although implements Event abstract class, car is never planed into the time loop.
  • Generator is event, whose responsibility is generating the cars.
  • TrafficLight is event representing a traffic light color switch on timeline.
  • CarDeparture is implementation of car departure process from the traffic light.

Crossroad simulator

The Simulator is base on composition of elementary problems and plan them on the timeline.

Simulator is composed of the "crossroad directions". For every direction is inside generator and traffic light. So every direction is processed independently.

The main time loop of the simulator polls events from the timeline and executed theirs business logic.

More details about the algorithm are in the code comments.

Main Events


Generating of cars is very simple process. Is generated X cars for every 60 seconds. Inside every new car event is filled value of generation time + incremental delta.

After generating of cars is done, the Generator is re-plan on the timeline for the next execution.

Traffic Light

The TrafficLight event is the main business logic unit. Represents a traffic light switch, but contains also queue of waiting cars.

When is event on the timeline executed, is started processing of cars located in traffic light queue. This process is based on some rules, which are described in code.

After car processing is done, the TrafficLight is re-plan on the timeline for the next execution of traffic light switch.

Class diagram

    class Comparable~Event~
    <<interface>> Comparable
    Comparable : *int compareTo(Event o)
    class Event
    <<abstract>> Event
    Event : -Double time
    Event: +Double getTime()
    Event: +void setTime(Double time)
    Event: *void execute(AbstractSimulator simulator)
    Event: +int compareTo(Event anotherEvent)
    Comparable <|-- Event
    class Direction {
    class TrafficLightState {
    class Car 
    Car: -int number
    Car: + Car(int number)
    class CarDeparture
    CarDeparture: -Car car
    CarDeparture: -Direction direction
    CarDeparture: + CarDeparture(double CarDeparture, Car car, Direction direction)

    class Generator {
        - int numberOfCars;
        - TrafficLight trafficLight;
        - double generatingPeriodSeconds;
        - int carNumber = 0;
        + Generator(int numberOfCars, TrafficLight trafficLight, double generatingPeriodSeconds)
    class TrafficLight {
        - Vector<Car> cars;
        - Direction direction;
        - double greenDuration;
        - double redDuration;
        - TrafficLightState state;
        - boolean isGreen()
        + TrafficLight(Direction direction, TrafficLightState initialState, double greenDuration, double redDuration)
        + void insert(Car car)
    Event <|-- Car 
    Event <|-- CarDeparture
    Event <|-- Generator
    Event <|-- TrafficLight
    Car <-- CarDeparture
    Car <-- TrafficLight
    Direction <-- CarDeparture
    Direction <-- TrafficLight
    TrafficLightState <-- TrafficLight
    TrafficLight <-- Generator
    class AbstractSimulator {
        - double time;
        - PriorityQueue<Event> events 
        + Double getTime()
        + PriorityQueue<Event> getEvents()
        + void insert(Event event)
        + void doAllEvents(double durationInterruptAt, int sleepTimeInMillis) throws InterruptedException
    Event <-- AbstractSimulator
    class CrossroadSimulator {
        + void start(SimulationConfiguration configuration)
    AbstractSimulator <|-- CrossroadSimulator
    class CrossroadsApplication {
        $ void main(String[] args)
   CrossroadSimulator <-- CrossroadsApplication 
   class CrossroadConfiguration
   class RoadConfiguration
   class SimulationConfiguration
   RoadConfiguration <-- CrossroadConfiguration 
   CrossroadConfiguration <-- SimulationConfiguration 
   SimulationConfiguration <-- CrossroadSimulator

Algorithm problem

Due to used algorithm of simulation is there one significant problem. Problem is timing of generating of Cars. If is used timing, which is not in sync with switching of traffic light, some cars will be "waiting" on green color of traffic light.

Ideas for improving

  • In implemented case are used 4 different instances of traffic light. It is not necessary. If we know the structure and the crossroad traffic flow, we can use only one a traffic light. Because if in two directions is shining green, in the other two directions is traffic light red etc...
  • Algorithm may be improved from the "batching" generating of cars to the "stream/event" type. We should plan generator event often than now. If traffic light is green, generated cars are immediately passed to the departure. If the traffic light is shining red, cars are saved into the vector...