Database Browser

Spring Boot REST service with Docker integration.

Build Instructions


You need to have installed Java 16 JDK!

For build, you can run gradle in a shell such as the example below.

./gradle build

Output of the build is a self-running JAR application placed in the /app/build/libs folder. The Name of this JAR will be something such as app.database-browser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar.


Application is possible to build and run in a Docker container. For this is implemented two phase build process in Docker.

For building just type in a shell

docker build . -t lci/database-browser


docker-compose build

Run Instructions


For application start is possible use Java runtime and in shell just type

MYSQL_PASS=pass MYSQL_USER=user MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql//xxx:3306/db java -jar app.database-browser-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

There must be provided environment variables for running application:

  • MYSQL_PASS=pass -> Password for application database
  • MYSQL_USER=user -> Username for application database
  • MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql//xxx:3306/db -> JDBC url for application database

The variables are mandatory for application startup.


Application build by Docker can run in a container.

docker run -it -e MYSQL_PASS=pass -e MYSQL_USER=user -e MYSQL_URL=jdbc:mysql//xxx:3306/db lci/database-browser

or in docker compose.

docker-compose up

In the project is docker-compose.yml. After starting docker compose, the application will be built and then started with MySQL database. In the file are also set environment variables for connection application to MySQL db. So no more configuration is needed.

Usage instructions

Application is Spring Boot Web Application.

REST Api description

Connection URL

Connection endpoints are useful for CRUD operation with connection entity. The entity holds connection information to external database. Application supports two implementation external database -> MySQL and PostgreSQL.

Support of MySQL is better than PostgreSQL.

  • GET /api/v1/connections -> Get all connections
  • POST /api/v1/connections -> Save new connection
  • GET /api/v1/connections/{id} -> Get one connection by ID
  • PUT /api/v1/connections/{id} -> Save connection to ID
  • DELETE /api/v1/connections/{id} -> DELETE connection with ID
  • PATCH /api/v1/connections/{id} -> Save connection with ID

Connection entity structure is in the swagger documented with validation restrictions:

  databaseName*	  string,
  databaseType*	  string,
  hostname*	  string,
  id	          integer,
  name*	          string,
  password        string,
  port*	          integer,
  username*	  string,

Database Structure Information URL

Endpoints for providing structural information of the schema, tables, columns. And also an examples of the table payload.

Endpoint variables:

  • connectionId (int) -> ID for connection entity
  • schema (string) -> Schema name
  • table (string) -> Table name

Endpoint URL options:

  • GET /api/v1/connections/{connectionId}/schema -> Gets list of all the schema in db
  • GET /api/v1/connections/{connectionId}/schema/{schema}/table -> Gets list of all the tables in schema
  • GET /api/v1/connections/{connectionId}/schema/{schema}/table/{table}/column -> Gets list of all columns in the table with information of them
  • GET /api/v1/connections/{connectionId}/schema/{schema}/table/{table}/example -> Gets example of the data in table.

All response data are not structured. They may have different shapes for every kind of database.

Database Statistics URL

Endpoints for providing statistical information of the tables and columns.

Endpoint variables:

  • connectionId (int) -> ID for connection entity
  • schema (string) -> Schema name
  • table (string) -> Table name

Endpoint URL options:

  • GET /api/v1/connections/{connectionId}/statistics/schema/{schema}/table/{table}/column -> Gets statistic information for every column in the table. (In PG is limited)
  • GET /api/v1/connections/{connectionId}/statistics/table -> Gets statistic information of table (In PG is limited)

All response data are not structured. They may have different shapes for every kind of database.

MySQL Response

Table statistics:

    "schema_name": "mysql",
    "table_name": "innodb_table_stats",
    "items": 5,
    "columns": 6

Data types of table statistics:

    "schema_name": "String",
    "table_name": "String",
    "items": "Number - Number of items in the table",
    "columns": "Number - Number of columns in the table"

Column statistics:

    "min_clustered_index_size": 1,
    "max_clustered_index_size": 1,
    "avg_DATABASE_NAME": 0,
    "min_database_name": "mysql",
    "max_database_name": "test",
    "avg_LAST_UPDATE": 20210904190686,
    "min_last_update": "2021-09-04T19:06:52.000+00:00",
    "max_last_update": "2021-09-04T19:07:08.000+00:00",
    "avg_N_ROWS": 2,
    "min_n_rows": 0,
    "max_n_rows": 6,
    "min_sum_of_other_index_sizes": 0,
    "max_sum_of_other_index_sizes": 0,
    "avg_TABLE_NAME": 0,
    "min_table_name": "DATABASECHANGELOG",
    "max_table_name": "sys_config"

For every column in table called functions avg, min and max.

PostgreSQL Response

Table statistics:

    "schema_name": "information_schema",
    "table_name": "_pg_foreign_data_wrappers",
    "items": "0 bytes",
    "columns": 7

Data types of table statistics:

    "schema_name": "String",
    "table_name": "String",
    "items": "String - byte size of the table", 
    "columns": "Number - Number of columns in the table"

Column statistics:

    "min_oid": 10117,
    "max_oid": 10839,
    "min_amopfamily": 397,
    "max_amopfamily": 5067,
    "min_amoplefttype": 16,
    "max_amoplefttype": 5069,
    "min_amoprighttype": 16,
    "max_amoprighttype": 5069,
    "min_amopstrategy": 1,
    "max_amopstrategy": 68,
    "min_amoppurpose": "o",
    "max_amoppurpose": "s",
    "min_amopopr": 15,
    "max_amopopr": 5076,
    "min_amopmethod": 403,
    "max_amopmethod": 4000,
    "min_amopsortfamily": 0,
    "max_amopsortfamily": 1970

For every column in table called functions avg, min and max.

Testing data

In application are prepared three testing Connection entity. This testing connections are there for easy testing of the application.

ID Type Hostname Port Database User Password Description
1 MySQL localhost 3306 test root test Connection for local testing during development
2 MySQL mysql 3306 test root test Connection for Docker MySQL testing
3 PostgreSQL postgre 5432 test test test Connection for Docker PostgreSQL testing

Useful links


  • MVC Tests are written only for happy path. And only of response code. Will be better to test the Response Payload and also failing paths.
  • Improving Error Handler for REST, error handler is implemented only for a few exceptions, but systems like this can produce many variations of exceptions.
  • In GitHub actions should be implemented integration testing with external databases.
  • Better Swagger documentation of Exceptions and error codes in REST responses.
  • Improving support for PostgreSQL.
  • Improving statistical endpoints.
  • Creation of response types. Unifying of the responses from any kind of the supported database brands.
  • Solving median in MySQL and avg + median in PostgreSQL.
  • Implementation of DGS Netflix GraphQL library.