3 Jan 2015, v0.61
Copyright Laurent Clévy (lclevy@free.fr)
This code is under GPLv2 license, with exception to mo3_unpack.c/.h under BSD now.
- no more updates on https://github.com/lclevy/unmo3, see openMPT project instead.
- 16nov2015: updates by Johannes Schultz (sagamusix) from openMPT.
- possible buffer overflow fixes in mo3_unpack.c
- specification updates
- unpacking code used in libopenmpt, under BSD license: https://source.openmpt.org/browse/openmpt/trunk/OpenMPT/soundlib/Load_mo3.cpp
- 21may2014: project moved to https://github.com/lclevy/unmo3
- 19jul2009: code source updated to v0.6 for MO3 v2.4 encoder
- version = 5. Also able to handle version = 3 (encoder 2.2)
- compressed header at offset 12 instead of 8
- 2 times bytes 0 after samples names instead of 1.
- specification updated to v0.91
- 26feb2006: initial version : v0.5
The piece of code has been written as a compagnion (validation code) of the document "the unofficial MO3 specification".
It is targeted to developpers or technical people, not for end users. It can be used by IT/XM/S3M modules specialists (tracker editor developper or modules players) to write a MO3 import loader, or more generally to handle MO3 modules in any way.
The MO3 format has been created by Ian Luck (http://www.un4seen.com). If you are looking for a good encoder and decoder (but without the source code) and a good module player, Ian's web site is the right place to go.
Here they are:
- uncompress the MO3 header and samples with lossless compression
- able to save uncompressed header and samples
- able to extract mp3 and ogg compressed samples
- can display a channel of a given pattern into 2 forms
- as encoded inside MO3 file
- as it is usually appears in a tracker editor
This code has been written under Cygwin/IA32, should work under Linux/IA32, and is supposed portable under other architectures.
If you want to run the auto tests, you have to download "unmo3_test.zip".
unmo3 [options] filename.mo3
available options are:
-a parselevel (from 1-4)
Display content of the MO3 file with more (-a 4) or less (-a 1) details
-d debuglevel (2)
Display some inner-working information
-v pattern_number voice_number
Display a channel of a given pattern as encoded inside MO3 module (technical output)
Must be combined with -v. Display a given channel, but as seen in any tracker editor (user friendly output).
-h header_output_filename
Write the uncompressed MO3 header into a file, for further study for example.
-s sample_number | all
Save one sample, or all samples of the MO3 module.
$ make dep
$ make
$ make demo
to see a 'demo'
$ make test
for the auto tests : mainly to check the decompression routines ("unmo3_test.zip" archive is required).
There is remaining work to do to interpret how all IT/XM and S3M effects and samples/instruments parameters are stored AND interpreted by a player.
This work has been done by Johannes Schultz (sagamusix) from openMPT, thanks to him !
Have fun.