Primary LanguageJava

Distributed Systems - 2016/2017

University of Coimbra - Department of Informatics Engineering

Bachelor Degree in Informatics Engineering

João Feliciano - jamaia@student.dei.uc.pt
Luís Coimbra - lcoimbra@student.dei.uc.pt
Luís Silva - lfgsilva@student.dei.uc.pt

A project about inverted auctions, where the lowest bid wins.
The first milestone following a Client-Server architecture and the second milestone adding a web interface following a MVC architecture.
Technologies and a more detailed description of the project below.

Milestone 1

Clients communicate through command line (i.e. telnet) with protocol visible in sd_projecto_meta1_v4.pdf.

  • SQL Database - SQL script inside folder (db_script.sql).
  • RMI Servers with fail over, first online is the main one, the rest is backup - Servers responsible for communicating with the database.
  • TCP Servers, communicating between them using multicast - Receive client commands, execute methods on RMI, has interface to enable RMI callbacks.

Milestone 2

Clients can use both the command line and a web interface where they can now use a Facebook account to register and login.

  • Web Server with MVC architecture:
    • Java Servlets;
    • Struts 2;
    • JSP;
    • JavaBeans;
    • Websockets.
  • REST
    • Facebook - register/log in and post on profile.
    • eBay - search items and show lowest price.

To run

  • Get database;
  • Fill iBei.properties info;
  • DetailAuctionAction.java - EBAY_APP_ID variable;
  • fbAssociateAction.java - apiKey & apiSecret variables.