
Capito - Globalize alternative for model translations

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Capito is a Globalize alternative for model translations to ActiveRecord models.

Production ready?

We're actually using it in production, so feel free to use it, at your own risk :-)


Capito is designed to be used on an API.

  • Save multiple translations at the same time
  • Properly format validations errors per locale


Simply put this in your Gemfile:

gem 'capito', git: 'git://github.com/lcoq/capito.git', tag: 'v0.0.7'



The translated attributes can be defined easily in the model directly. E.g.

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  translates :title, :description

You can also define validations to the translations by passing a block to #translate method. The block will be evaluated by the translation class. E.g.

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
  translates :title, :description do
    validates :title, presence: true, uniqueness: true

The attributes will be translated per locale:

Capito.locale = :en
product.title # => Toy
Capito.locale = :fr
product.title # => Jouet

For a quicker access to an attribute in a given locale, you can do as follow:

product.title(:en) # => Toy
product.title(:fr) # => Jouet
Capito.with_locale(:en) { product.title = 'Toy new version' }
Capito.with_locale(:fr) { product.title = 'Jouet nouvelle version' }

Creating translation tables

Translation tables are not automatically handled yet. You have to write them manually. Given the Product model above, the migration should look like this:

class CreateProducts < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :products do |t|
    create_table :product_translations do |t|
      t.references :product
      t.string :locale
      t.string :title
      t.string :description
    add_index :product_translations, :product_id

Managing translations

You can manage several translations for a model at the same time:

product.update_attributes(translations_attributes: [ 
  { locale: :en, title: 'Toy', description: 'A funny toy' }, 
  { locale: :fr, title: 'Jouet', description: 'Un jouet sympa' }

Notice that you'll never have to pass the id and the _destroy in the attributes, Capito will manage them for you. It implies that translations that are not present in the attributes you pass to the model #update_attributes method will be destroyed.

If you want to update only one translation, you might want to update the attributes in the model directly, like this : (you can omit the Capito#with_locale if you want to update the model in the default locale)

Capito.with_locale(:en) do
  product.update_attributes(title: 'Toy new version', description: 'A really funny toy')