
Primary LanguageRuby


This project has a csv file that we need some data extracted from. We want to generate a count of how often different domains are being used in email addresses. There is a single spec that should demonstrate what we need.


You can change anything you want except for the roster.csv file. You can rewrite the specs, anything in lib and you can even add gems if you think that might be helpful. You don't need to change anything if you think the existing structure is good.

Pull a copy of the repo down and complete the project however you normally would. Please open a pull request once you're happy with your solution.

Here's what we'll be thinking about when we look at your solution:

  • is the coding style consistent?
  • is the ruby idiomatic and easy to understand?
  • are things that change quickly isolated from things that won't?
  • are there concepts that have been made clearer in the way you solved the problem?
  • are the solution and specs efficient?
  • are the commit message(s) informative?

There isn't a single correct solution to the problem. We've purposely made the problem relatively easy to solve, so that you can focus on all the other stuff. We're eager to see your solution and we're also eager to hear about your experience writing the code. Let us know once your solution is done. If you like, we will offer you some feedback which you could incorporate.