Elixir koans is a fun way to get started with the elixir programming language. It is a tour of the most important features and idiomatic usage of the language.
These repository contains my awnsers of Elixir Koans has the unique purpose of serve as consult for other people.
You can check the awnsers on elixir-koans-awnsers/lib/koans/...
If you doesen't finished the Koans you can download it on their github on https://github.com/elixirkoans/elixir-koans.
You can check how to install and use the Elixir Koans on their page on github our just checking above.
- [Elixir] (http://elixir-lang.org/install.html)
Next, install the dependencies by running mix deps.get
If you are using linux you will need to run sudo apt-get install inotify-tools
With the dependencies installed, navigate to the root directory of this project and run:
mix meditate
You should see the first failure (If the awnser's arent complete). Open the corresponding file in your favourite text editor and fill in the blanks to make the koans pass one by one. The autorunner will give you feedback each time you save.