a GUI macOS app to downgrade compatible A6 and A7 devices to OTA signed firmwares.
- Latest compiled version can be found here.
- Official LeetDown Twitter account for updates & support.
- Official LeetDown webpage
- iPhone 5
- iPad 4
- iPhone 5s
- iPad Mini 2 (excluding J87AP)
- iPad Air
Intel Macs | Apple Silicon Macs |
macOS 10.13 + | macOS 11.0 + |
- Due to the USB stack of M1 macs, the device will disappear after LeetDown uploads iBSS. When you get the prompt
[+] Device was lost, reconnect the USB cable to your mac to resume the upload process
, do what it says and the restore will resume automatically. - A6 devices are not affected by this issue.
Mount the LeetDown.dmg
and drag the LeetDown.app
to your /Applications
Follow the instructions shown in the app.
Experimental Apple Silicon support: As checkra1n team stated, Apple Silicon macs might have issues exploiting device or sending boot components. If you have problems with sending boot components, unplug your device after LeetDown sends iBSS, then plug it back in (LeetDown will wait for 5 seconds after sending each boot component to allow you to do this). If you have any other issues on Apple Silicon, feel free to open an issue.
LeetDown depends on the following libraries:
- libcrypto (get it via
brew install openssl
) - libirecovery
- libplist
- libusb (get it via
brew install libusb
) - libusbmuxd
ps: If you don't want to compilelibirecovery
manually, Nikias Bassen has a script available that can build all libimobiledevice tools automatically.
Place the libraries in any folder (preferably inside "Frameworks" to build it statically) in your environment, then;
- Project -> Build Settings -> Library Search Paths -> path_to_your_folder
LeetDown depends on the following frameworks:
- AFNetworking
- SSZipArchive
You can install them automatically with cocoapods.
Note: SSZipArchive is already placed inside the project, you can skip installing it via pods.
Sure, just open an issue using LeetDown issue template please copy and paste the log from LeetDown's UI for now.
- Will Kellner
- qqjqqj
- @axi0mX for checkm8 exploit.
- @tihmstar for futurerestore.
- @Cryptiiiic for updated futurerestore.
- @_m1sta for updated futurerestore.
- @dora2ios for iPwnder-lite.
- @mosk_i for iBoot patches and internal testing.
- @libimobiledev for libirecovery.
- @ConsoleLogLuke for helping with the dependencies and scripts for versions < 2.0
- ZipArchive for SSZipArchive.
- AFNetworking for AFNetworking.
- @alitek123 for OTA BuildManifests.
- @exploit3dguy for private testing.
- @m3t0ski for private testing.
- @AyyItzRob123 for private testing.
- Mini-Exploit for private testing.