
Puppet module that provides a simple method to manage external facts

Primary LanguageRuby


Provides a simple way to manage external facts


All you need to do is include the module:

include facter

It will automatically create the facts.d path:

  • Linux:

  • Windows:



This module creates yaml files in the facts.d directory with the resource name as the file name and content following the external fact convention for yaml:

resource_name: value

You can use the facter::fact defined type in the manifest, or use facter::fact_hash: in hiera to set and remove facts


Set a fact in a puppet manifest

facter::fact { 'datacenter':
  value => 'us_west',

Remove a fact you previously set

facter::fact { 'datacenter':
  ensure => absent,

Set a fact with a custom filename

facter::fact { 'datacenter':
  file_name => 'my_datacenter',
  value     => 'us_west',

Set one or multiple facts using hiera

  datacenter: 'us_west'
  cluster: 'web'

Remove facts using hiera

  datacenter: 'us_west'
    ensure => 'absent'

Or the shorter version to remove a fact, making use of the reserved absent value:

  datacenter: 'us_west'
  cluster: 'absent'



  • disable_reserved_absent

    optional[Boolean]: Disables the reserved word 'absent' for hiera facts. The only reason to disable this would be if you wanted the ability to set the value of facts to the string 'absent'.

    default: false


  • ensure

    optional[String]: Determines if the resource is created or removed.

    default: 'present'

  • value

    required[String]: Value of the fact to be set.

    warning: absent is a reserved word for value in the hiera implementation and will remove the fact

  • file_name

    optional[String]: Set the target file name instead of using the resource name as the file name.

    default: $title


This module comes with two cross-platform tasks, set_fact and remove_fact


Accepts a name and value parameter. Creates a fact file in the facts.d directory in the same manner as the defined type

bolt task run facter::set_fact --nodes web1.company.vm name=mytestfact value=mytestvalue


Accepts a name parameter. Removes a fact file in the facts.d directory, returns an error if the file doesn't exist

bolt task run facter::remove_fact --nodes web1.company.vm name=mytestfact