
Docker image (and wrappers) for reproducible contract builds (Rust).

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Docker image (and wrappers) for reproducible contract builds (Rust). See docs.multiversx.com.

Build the Docker image

We use docker buildx to build the image:

docker buildx build --output type=docker --no-cache . -t sdk-rust-contract-builder:next -f ./Dockerfile

Maintainers can publish the image as follows:

docker buildx create --name multiarch --use

docker buildx build --no-cache --push --platform=linux/amd64,linux/arm64 . -t multiversx/sdk-rust-contract-builder:next -f ./Dockerfile

docker buildx rm multiarch

For the above to work properly, make sure to install tonistiigi/binfmt beforehand. Please follow the official Docker documentation here.

Though, note that currently (January 2023) we recommend against using the linux/arm64 image for performing reproducible contract builds. This is because, in some (possibly rare) circumstances, a WASM binary generated on the linux/amd64 image might differ (at the bytecode level) from one generated on the linux/arm64 image - probably due to distinct (unfortunate) bytecode-emitting logic in the Rust compiler.

Build contract using the wrapper

If you are using a Mac with ARM64, we recommend setting the following variable beforehand (contract builds will be slower, but this eliminates the risk of not being able to reproduce the build on Linux):

export DOCKER_DEFAULT_PLATFORM=linux/amd64

Building from a project folder:

python3 ./build_with_docker.py --image=sdk-rust-contract-builder:next \
    --project=~/contracts/example \

Building from a packaged source code:

python3 ./build_with_docker.py --image=sdk-rust-contract-builder:next \
    --packaged-src=~/contracts/example-0.0.0.source.json \

Run unit tests

pytest .

Run integration tests (with Docker)

python3 ./integration_tests/test_previous_builds_are_reproducible.py --selected-builds "a.1" [...]
python3 ./integration_tests/test_project_folder_and_packaged_src_are_equivalent.py