
It's like Tinder but more cool! Demo app for my presentation on Telegram bot capabilities

Primary LanguageJava

Match Bot for Telegram


One day, one day...


Database Structure

Redis KEYs:

  • user_id:contact:
    • first_name
    • last_name
    • chat_id
    • phone
  • user_id:profile:
    • age
    • gender
    • match_gender
    • match_min_age
    • match_max_age
  • user_id:image
  • user_id:seen
  • user_id:likes
  • user_id:dislikes
  • user_id:session
  • locations

Development guidelines

Commit to dev or feature branches, commits to master trigger deployment to Heroku and are off limits.

Local Development

  • Install ngrok from website or, on a mac, with brew cask install ngrok.
  • Expose port 8080 with ngrok http 8080
  • Add these props to application-dev.yml or set them some other way.
TELEGRAM_TOKEN: so-secret-much-token-generate-it-yourself
TELEGRAM_WEBHOOK_URL: https://...ngrok.io
REDIS_URL: redis://localhost:6379
  • Grab and start redis:
docker run --name itd-redis -p 6379:6379 -d redis:4

To examine its contents directly, use

docker exec -it itd-redis redis-cli
  • Run application and try to ping your bot from Telegram

  • To show demo from the phone:

adb devices
adb shell screenrecord --size=720x1440 --output-format=h264 - | \
    mpv - --fps=30 --untimed --no-correct-pts --framedrop=no