
Don't use this, just grab a docker image! WebSphere 8.5.5 Ubuntu Box. Vagrant flavoured.

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Ubuntu box with WebSphere 8.5.5

This Vargantfile will:

  • Set up an ubuntu/trusty64 box using Vistualbox as provider.
  • Install IBM WebSphere Application Server and IBM Java 7.
  • Expose ports 9060, 9043, 9080, 9443 to the host system.
  • Create AppSrv01 profile and run the server on every up.

Before running vagrant up acquire the following packages and place them into a directory. Default is ~/Downloads/WAS_8.5.5 which can be changed in the Vagrantfile.

  • agent.installer.linux.gtk.x86_64_1.8.5001.20161016_1705 (Installation Manager, Linux_x86_64)
  • com.ibm.websphere.DEVELOPERS.v85_8.5.5000.20130514_1044 (WebSphere Application Server for Developers Version 8.5.5)
  • 8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP0000010 (WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 Fix Pack 10)
  • (IBM WebSphere SDK, Java Technology Edition, Version

Then run vagrant up. After the installation config.vm.synced_folder statement can be removed from the Vargantfile along with IBM distribs.

If you have slightly different versions of IBM packages change the install_was855.sh file accordingly.