
A command-line interface utility that provides various methods for interacting with the terminal.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A command-line interface utility that provides various methods for interacting with the terminal.


yarn add @lczpln/ncli


npm install @lczpln/ncli --save


Initializes the NCLI class and sets up the required dependencies.

import ncli from "@lczpln/ncli";

const ncli = new NCLI();


  • titleColor: the color to use for the title text (default: "blue").
  • subtitleColor: the color to use for the subtitle text (default: "whiteBright").
  • msgColor: the color to use for message text (default: "whiteBright").
  • optionsColor: the color to use for options text (default: "green").
  • inputCharColor: the color to use for input characters (default: "blue").

All the parameters are optional and have default values. You can check all colors available here: https://github.com/chalk/chalk#colors



Asynchronously prompts the user for input and returns the user's choice.


const ncli = new NCLI();

const options = [
  { title: "Apple", action: (input) => input },
  { title: "Banana", action: (input) => input },
  { title: "Orange", action: (input) => input },
  { title: "Watermelon", action: (input) => input },

const fruitChosen = await ncli.getUserInput({
  subtitle: "Select your favority fruit",

const fruit = options[fruitChosen - 1].title;

// > 2

console.log(fruit); // Banana

alt text


const ncli = new NCLI();

const name = await ncli.getUserInput({
  title: "NAME SELECTION",
  subtitle: "What's your name?",
  action: (input) => input,

// > World

console.log("Hello " + name + "!"); // Hello World!

alt text


  • options: an object that contains the following properties:
    • title: the title to be displayed on the terminal.
    • subtitle: the subtitle to be displayed on the terminal.
    • image: an object that contains the following properties:
      • path: the path to the image file.
      • process: a boolean flag indicating whether the image should be processed or not.
      • width: width of the image in terminal.
      • height: height of the image in terminal.
      • preserveAspectRatio: a flag indicating whether the aspect ratio of the image should be preserved or not.
    • action: a function that will be called after the user input is received.
    • error: a boolean flag indicating whether an error message should be displayed.
    • options: an array of objects that represent the options that the user can choose from.
      • title: options title to be displayed like this: 1) myTitle
      • action action to be dispatched after user input a valid option number
    • noClear: a boolean flag indicating whether the terminal should be cleared before displaying the prompt.

The _clear is used to clear the terminal if noClear is false.


Displays a message on the terminal.


ncli.log({ msg: "Searching for user" });

//await searchUsers()


  • title: the title to display before the message (default: null)
  • msg: the message to be displayed on the terminal (required)
  • color: the color to use for the message text (default: "whiteBright").
  • noClear: boolean value indicating if the terminal should be cleared before displaying the message (default: false).

The _clear is used to clear the terminal if noClear is false.


Asynchronously waits for the user to press any key on the keyboard.


await ncli.waitForKey({});


await ncli.waitForKey({ msg: "My awesome msg! Please press enter (:" });


  • title: the title to display before the message (default: null)
  • msg: the message to be displayed on the terminal (required)
  • color: the color to use for the message text (default: "whiteBright").
  • noClear: boolean value indicating if the terminal should be cleared before displaying the message (default: false).

The _clear is used to clear the terminal if noClear is false.