Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

MKIDGen3 - The Mazinlab Third Generation MKID Readout

This is the top-level repository for the third generation RF multiplexed readout of microwave kinetic inductance detectors (TODO cite). We generally refer to the overall system as "gen3". The readout is under active development around the Xilinx ZCU111 Eval board.

This document, package, and the firmware are still in high flux. APIs, resource calculations, and drivers are only partially done. Various subsystems are in myriad states of test. Liberal communication with the authors is both welcomed and advised. The remainder of this readme focuses on the python side of things. For more information about the gateware and Vitis HLS blocks see the readme and design documents in the firmware subdirectory.

PYNQ setup

SSH into the ZCU.

cd ~
mkdir -p ~/src/mkidgen3/
git clone https://github.com/MazinLab/MKIDGen3.git ~/src/mkidgen3/
cd ~/src/mkidgen3
git checkout develop
cd ~/src
git submodule init arduino/ifduino
git submodule update arduino/ifduino
sudo cp udev/gen3.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/  #If using the gen2 ifboard
source /etc/profile.d/pynq_venv.sh
sudo pip3 install fpbinary pyserial
sudo pip3 install -e ~/src/mkidgen3

To use the interpreter within PyCharm use /usr/local/share/pynq-venv/bin/python as the remote interpreter, execute with sudo, and ensure that the following envirnoment variables are set:


Some basic usage:

import logging
import pynq, xrfclk, xrfdc
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import mkidgen3 as g3
from mkidgen3.util import buf2complex
from mkidgen3.ifboard import IFBoard


ol = g3.configure('iqtest.bit', clocks=True, external_10mhz=False, ignore_version=True)

tones = np.array([100e6])
amplitudes = np.array([1])

dactable = g3.set_waveform(tones, amplitudes, fpgen=lambda x: (x*2**15).astype(np.uint16))


opfb_data = g3.capture_opfb(n=256)

g3.set_channels(tones)  #NB we may not yet have the frequency -> bin conversion correct
g3.configure_ddc(tones)  # Same caveat applies here

ol.photon_pipe.reschan.bin_to_res.bins = [0,2,3]  # Some list of bins to capture
iq_data=buf2complex(ol.capture.capture_iq(256, 'all', tap_location='iq'))

The iqtest and OPFB_test notebooks have more examples (as do some others) though these notebooks need significant cleanup.