
Data relating to Cornell Univeristy Library catalog records to OCLC work ids


Data relating to Cornell Univeristy Library catalog records to OCLC work ids. See also Stanford University Library data at https://github.com/ld4l/sul-oclc-works. This work relies upon a concordance of control numbers and work ids provided by OCLC. Data available:

  • cul_workid_bibids.dat.gz - Each line (except comment lines starting with #) is a space separated sequence of oclc_work_number, followed by one of more cornell_bibid numbers
  • cul_oclcnum_workid_pairs.csv.gz - Each line is a comma separated pair of values: oclc_control_number,oclc_work_number (created to follow format of Stanford file in https://github.com/ld4l/sul-oclc-works/blob/master/SUL_OCLCcn2OCLCwn.tar.bz2)

The data comprises just integer values:

This repository is for internal (LD4L)http://ld4l.org/ work, it may not be generally useful outside the LD4L context.