#Common MBSE vocabulary
##Instructions to use and customize common MBSE vocabulary
Last updated by Axel Reichwein (axel.reichwein@koneksys.com) February 26, 2016
###1. Downloading the ecore-mbse repository
- Open the Git Repositories View (Window -> Show View -> type “Git Repositories” in the search field)
- Click on the Clone Repository icon
- In the URI field, paste the following URL: https://github.com/ld4mbse/ecore-mbse.git
- The Host and Repository fields will autofill.
- Click Next, only select the master branch
- Click Next until Finish.
###2. Importing the edu.gatech.mbsec.ecore.mbse project into the Eclipse workspace
- In the Git repositories view, right-click edu.gatech.mbsec.triplestore.tdb.clients and select “Import Projects”. Click Next until Finish. The edu.gatech.mbsec.ecore.mbse project will be in the Eclipse workspace.
- In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window → Show View → Project Explorer)
###3. Customizing the common MBSE vocabulary
- In Eclipse, open the Project Explorer view. (Window → Show View → Project Explorer). By default, it is already visible at the left of the screen.
- Select the just created edu.gatech.mbsec.ecore.mbse project and expand it
- Expand the Ecore Metamodels folder
- Open the CommonMBSEVocabulary.ecore file
- In the editor window (in the middle of Eclipse), select the tab corresponding to the CommonMBSEVocabulary.ecore file
- Expand the root node with a platform URI
- Expand the mbse node with a platform URI
- Expand the node of your choice to examine the resource types defined in the common MBSE vocabulary. For example, expand the Block node showing that an MBSE block has a name, parameters and ports.
- You can customize the MBSE vocabulary by defining additional resource types or changing existing ones.
- References from tool-specific adapters to the common MBSE vocabulary are defined in the tool-specific Ecore metamodel. The level to which a tool-specific adapter supports the common MBSE vocabulary is defined in the tool-specific Ecore metamodel.
For example, a Simulink block, as defined in the simulink4MBSE.ecore metamodel, has a generalization relationship with the MBSE block defined in the common MBSE vocabulary (line 22 of simulink4MBSE.ecore).
<eClassifiers xsi:type="ecore:EClass" name="Block" eSuperTypes="../../org.eclipse.mbse.common.vocabulary/Ecore%20Metamodels/CommonMBSEVocabulary.ecore#//Block">
Note: you can open the .ecore file with various viewers. In order to see the XML representation, you need to right-click on the file, select Open With->XML Editor. In order to see the tree representation, you need to right-click on the file, select Open With->Sample Ecore Model Editor
Generalization relationships between resource properties are defined in the Ecore metamodel through annotations. For example, the inputPort property of a Simulink block has a generalization relationship with the port property of an MBSE block as shown below (line 27 of simulink4MBSE.ecore).
<eStructuralFeatures xsi:type="ecore:EReference" name="inputPort" upperBound="-1"
eType="#//InputPort" containment="true">
<eAnnotations source="subsets" references="../../org.eclipse.mbse.common.vocabulary/Ecore%20Metamodels/CommonMBSEVocabulary.ecore#//Block/port"/>