
miniDBMS written in C++

Primary LanguageSQLPL


miniDBMS written in C++

before grading/testing

we will try to remove any leftover .tbl files and clear the catalog prior to the deadline. however, you may have to remove .tbl files and "catalog.txt" before executing anything to "clear" the database

to compile

should not be necessary to compile if running on server if compilation is needed, call "make" in folder


./main file.sql //USE THIS FOR EXECUTING CREATE/INSERT sqls such as "create.sql" ./main ./main "SQL STATEMENT" ./main script=script.sql:numthreads=10 //USE THIS FOR TRANSACTIONS sqls such as "script.sql"


single PK in tables a stored CHAR can not contain ';' ( example: 'ab;c' will cause complications ) Syntax for executing sql scripts in the database are limited. See the execution subsection for examples. for transactions: when attempting to process a transaction sql file, the execution command must use ':' not ';' valid example: ./main script=script.sql:numthreads=10 invalid example: ./main script=script.sql;numthreads=10 when a query is invalid, it will not execute. any other queries in the same transaction as the failed query are still executed however. we did not set a hard check on if a column named 'balance' cannot go negative. so negative balances will not throw an error. MUST USE "./main script=x.sql:numthreads=y" to process as a transaction. cannot use "./main script=x.sql" if the script contains transactions


https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5455802/how-to-read-a-complete-line-from-the-user-using-cin http://thispointer.com/stdmap-tutorial-part-1-usage-detail-with-examples/ http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/string/string/substr/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10058606/splitting-a-string-by-a-character https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12702561/iterate-through-a-c-vector-using-a-for-loop https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2850312/use-of-for-each-on-map-elements https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2462951/c-equivalent-of-stringbuffer-stringbuilder http://www.cplusplus.com/forum/general/13135/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/12774207/fastest-way-to-check-if-a-file-exist-using-standard-c-c11-c http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/remove/ https://stackoverflow.com/questions/544928/reading-integer-size-bytes-from-a-char-array https://stackoverflow.com/questions/21647/reading-from-text-file-until-eof-repeats-last-line https://vichargrave.github.io/multithreaded-work-queue-in-cpp/