
A set of deep learning models for FRB/RFI binary classification.

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fetch is Fast Extragalactic Transient Candidate Hunter. It has been detailed in the paper FETCH: A deep-learning based classifier for fast transient classification.


We suggest using anaconda for using FETCH.

First we need to install cudatoolkit matching the installed cuda version.

For cuda 8.0 conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==8.0 tensorflow-gpu==1.4.1

For cuda 9.0 conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==9.0 tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0

For cuda 9.2 conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==9.2 tensorflow-gpu==1.12.0

For cuda 10. conda install -c anaconda cudatoolkit==10.0.130 tensorflow-gpu==1.13.1

Note: tensorflow installation from conda-forge channel does not work with GPUs.

You would also require pysigproc to create the candidate files which can be found here.

Now we can install fetch like this:

conda install -c anaconda keras scikit-learn pandas scipy numpy matplotlib scikit-image tqdm numba pyyaml=3.13
git clone https://github.com/devanshkv/fetch.git
cd fetch
python setup.py install

The installation will put predict.py,candmaker.py and train.py in your PYTHONPATH.


First create a candidate file (cands.csv) of the following format:


here boxcar_width is in units of int(log2(number of samples)). path_to_kill_mask is a numpy readable file with channel numbers to kill. If not required, this field can be left empty.

Next, to generate the candidate files containing DM-time and Frequency-time arrays for classification use candmaker.py. Saving candidate h5s with their parameters in cands.csv to a directory /data/canddidates/ and rebinning the time and frequency axis to 256 bins using decimation can be done by:

candmaker.py --frequency_size 256 --time_size 256 --cand_param_file cands.csv --plot --fout /data/candidates/

To predict a these candidate h5 files living in the directory /data/candidates/ use predict.py for model a as follows:

predict.py --data_dir /data/candidates/ --model a

To fine-tune the model a, with a bunch of candidates, put them in a pandas readable csv, candidate.csv with headers 'h5' and 'label'. Use

train.py --data_csv candidates.csv --model a --output_path ./

This would train the model a and save the training log, and model weights in the output path.


Test filterbank data can be downloaded from here. The folder contains three filterbanks: 28.fil 29.fil 34.fil. Heimdall results for each of the files are as follows:

for 28.fil

16.8128	1602	2.02888	1	127	475.284	22	1601	1604

for 29.fil

18.6647	1602	2.02888	1	127	475.284	16	1601	1604

for 34.fil

13.9271	1602	2.02888	1	127	475.284	12	1602	1604 

The cand.csv would look like the following:


Running candmaker.py will create three files:


Running predict.py with model a will give results_a.csv:


Training Data

The training data is available at astro.phys.wvu.edu/fetch.

Citating this work

If you use this work please cite:

  doi = {10.1093/mnras/staa1856},
  url = {https://doi.org/10.1093/mnras/staa1856},
  year = {2020},
  month = jun,
  publisher = {Oxford University Press ({OUP})},
  author = {Devansh Agarwal and Kshitij Aggarwal and Sarah Burke-Spolaor and Duncan R Lorimer and Nathaniel Garver-Daniels},
  title = {{FETCH}: A deep-learning based classifier for fast transient classification},
  journal = {Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society}
  author       = {Devansh Agarwal and
                  Kshitij Aggarwal},
  title        = {{devanshkv/fetch: Software release with the 
  month        = jun,
  year         = 2020,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {0.1.8},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.3905437},
  url          = {https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3905437}