
Access to Optris radiometric files

Primary LanguageRed


This code allows to easily access ravi files produced by Optris PI45Oi thermal imager. This code uses dLib C++ neural network to identify face landmarks in the images. Red language libraries for image processing are included.


First of all Red Language is required.

ffmpeg is used to split ravi files as raw images.

We also use some python stuff You need a recent C++ compiler. If not, install Visual Code and cMake.

Install [Python 3] (https://www.python.org/downloads/ › download). Then with pip (or pip3) install numpy, cmake for python. Finally install dLibC++ dLib C++ with pip (pip install lib). Once all that stuff installed, adapt path access to your compiuter and compile the source bbCry44.red with Red Tool Chain.

Runnning the code

Code must be used in terminal mode. So, change dir to the code directory and execute ./bbCry44.


This program is supported by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche : ANR-19 - CE28-0014-03.