
React visual tree components. Demo: https://ldd.github.io/react-tech-tree/

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM Build Status Coverage Status Dependencies Size

Create highly customizable tech trees (or generic graphical trees)

superheroes tree


  • Light

    • Zero dependencies (besides react)
    • Tree-shaking ready
    • < 2Kb gzipped
  • Responsive

    • works on mobile, desktop, etc
  • Image Support

  • Customizable


  • npm: npm install --save react-tech-tree
  • yarn: yarn add react-tech-tree


import React from "react";

import { Tree } from "react-tech-tree";
import "react-tech-tree/dist/index.css";

const nodes = [
    { id: "A0", name: "A" },
    { id: "B0", name: "B" }
const links = [{ from: "A0", to: "B0" }];

function ExampleComponent() {
  return <Tree nodes={nodes} links={links} />;



import { Tree } from "react-tech-tree";
Prop Type Description
id string id property (should be unique). E.g: uuuid
nodes {id:string, name: string}[][] 2d array with nodes information
links {from:string, to: string}[] array with links information
NodeElement ReactElement (optional) React Element to be used as Node. Defaults to Node.
nodeProps object (optional) Properties to pass down to Node elements. See Node.
linkProps object (optional) See below.


Prop Type Description
pathMaker (r0: Rect,r1: Rect, props?: object) => string (optional) Function to generate string paths. Defaults to simplePathMaker


import { Node } from "react-tech-tree";
Prop Type Description
onClick (e: MouseEvent) => void (optional) Event Handler fired when the Node is clicked. Defaults to nodeClickHandler


import { Sprite } from "react-tech-tree";
Prop Type Description
name string name of spritesheet entry or image name for this Sprite
styleName () => object function to style the Sprite from its name. Example


import { Link } from "react-tech-tree";
Prop Type Description
pathData string data to build links. E.g: M 0 0 L 1 1



import { nodeClickHandler } from "react-tech-tree";

clickHandler function used by Node internally. Use it when you are trying to build a custom NodeElement that you pass to a Tree.

It will:

  • mark Node with class active
  • mark Node's children with class next-active

function MyNodeElement({ name, id }) {
  return (
    <button id={id} onClick={nodeClickHandler}>

function ExampleComponent() {
  return <Tree nodes={nodes} links={links} NodeElement={MyNodeElement} />;


import { prepareSpritesheetStyle } from "react-tech-tree";

When using spritesheets, you may need to style each Sprite based on its name.

If you are using TexturePacker, you can use this function as follows:

import spriteInformation from "./data/spritesheet.json";
import spriteImage from "./data/spritesheet.png";

const nodeProps = {
  styleName: prepareSpritesheetStyle(spriteImage, spriteInformation)

function ExampleComponent() {
  return <Tree nodes={nodes} links={links} nodeProps={nodeProps} />;


import { simplePathMaker } from "react-tech-tree";

Pure function that return a string path between the center of two rectangles.

const rect0 = { x: 0, y: 24, width: 4, height: 4 };
const rect1 = { x: 8, y: 32, width: 2, height: 2 };
const path = simplePathMaker(rect0, rect1);
// "M 2 26 L 9 33"

It is used at the default value for building links between Nodes. It can be passed down in linkProps to a Tree. See example


const linkProps = { pathMaker: simplePathMaker };

function ExampleComponent() {
  return <Tree nodes={nodes} links={links} linkProps={linkProps} />;


For further usage, go to the examples page


  • tech-tree
    • vanilla javascript project I made a long time ago


MIT © ldd