
中文医疗NLP领域 数据集,论文 集合


医疗NLP领域(主要关注中文) 评测数据集 与 论文列表


1. Yidu-S4K:医渡云结构化4K数据集


Yidu-S4K 数据集源自CCKS 2019 评测任务一,即“面向中文电子病历的命名实体识别”的数据集,包括两个子任务: 1)医疗命名实体识别:由于国内没有公开可获得的面向中文电子病历医疗实体识别数据集,本年度保留了医疗命名实体识别任务,对2017年度数据集做了修订,并随任务一同发布。本子任务的数据集包括训练集和测试集。 2)医疗实体及属性抽取(跨院迁移):在医疗实体识别的基础上,对预定义实体属性进行抽取。本任务为迁移学习任务,即在只提供目标场景少量标注数据的情况下,通过其他场景的标注数据及非标注数据进行目标场景的识别任务。本子任务的数据集包括训练集(非目标场景和目标场景的标注数据、各个场景的非标注数据)和测试集(目标场景的标注数据













Yidu-N4K 数据集源自CHIP 2019 评测任务一,即“临床术语标准化任务”的数据集。 临床术语标准化任务是医学统计中不可或缺的一项任务。临床上,关于同一种诊断、手术、药品、检查、化验、症状等往往会有成百上千种不同的写法。标准化(归一)要解决的问题就是为临床上各种不同说法找到对应的标准说法。有了术语标准化的基础,研究人员才可对电子病历进行后续的统计分析。本质上,临床术语标准化任务也是语义相似度匹配任务的一种。但是由于原词表述方式过于多样,单一的匹配模型很难获得很好的效果。






questions.csv:所有的问题及其内容。answers.csv :所有问题的答案。 train_candidates.txt, dev_candidates.txt, test_candidates.txt :将上述两个文件进行了拆分。





本次比赛是chip2019中的评测任务二,由平安医疗科技主办。chip2019会议详情见链接:http://cips-chip.org.cn/evaluation 迁移学习是自然语言处理中的重要一环,其主要目的是通过从已学习的相关任务中转移知识来改进新任务的学习效果,从而提高模型的泛化能力。 本次评测任务的主要目标是针对中文的疾病问答数据,进行病种间的迁移学习。具体而言,给定来自5个不同病种的问句对,要求判定两个句子语义是否相同或者相近。所有语料来自互联网上患者真实的问题,并经过了筛选和人工的意图匹配标注。





简介:CMeKG(Chinese Medical Knowledge Graph)是利用自然语言处理与文本挖掘技术,基于大规模医学文本数据,以人机结合的方式研发的中文医学知识图谱。CMeKG的构建参考了ICD、ATC、SNOMED、MeSH等权威的国际医学标准以及规模庞大、多源异构的临床指南、行业标准、诊疗规范与医学百科等医学文本信息。CMeKG 1.0包括:6310种疾病、19853种药物(西药、中成药、中草药)、1237种诊疗技术及设备的结构化知识描述,涵盖疾病的临床症状、发病部位、药物治疗、手术治疗、鉴别诊断、影像学检查、高危因素、传播途径、多发群体、就诊科室等以及药物的成分、适应症、用法用量、有效期、禁忌证等30余种常见关系类型,CMeKG描述的概念关系实例及属性三元组达100余万。


PubMedQA: A Dataset for Biomedical Research Question Answering

数据集描述: 基于Pubmed提取的医学问答数据集。PubMedQA has 1k expert-annotated, 61.2k unlabeled and 211.3k artificially gen- erated QA instances.






论文题目:BioBERT: a pre-trained biomedical language representation model for biomedical text mining





Motivation: Biomedical text mining is becoming increasingly important as the number of biomedical documents rapidly grows. With the progress in natural language processing (NLP), extracting valuable information from bio- medical literature has gained popularity among researchers, and deep learning has boosted the development of ef- fective biomedical text mining models. However, directly applying the advancements in NLP to biomedical text min- ing often yields unsatisfactory results due to a word distribution shift from general domain corpora to biomedical corpora. In this article, we investigate how the recently introduced pre-trained language model BERT can be adapted for biomedical corpora. Results: We introduce BioBERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers for Biomedical Text Mining), which is a domain-specific language representation model pre-trained on large-scale biomedical corpora. With almost the same architecture across tasks, BioBERT largely outperforms BERT and previous state-of-the-art models in a variety of biomedical text mining tasks when pre-trained on biomedical corpora. While BERT obtains performance comparable to that of previous state-of-the-art models, BioBERT significantly outperforms them on the following three representative biomedical text mining tasks: biomedical named entity recognition (0.62% F1 score improvement), biomedical relation extraction (2.80% F1 score improvement) and biomedical question answering (12.24% MRR improvement). Our analysis results show that pre-training BERT on biomedical corpora helps it to understand complex biomedical texts. Availability and implementation: We make the pre-trained weights of BioBERT freely available at https://github.com/naver/biobert-pretrained, and the source code for fine-tuning BioBERT available at https://github.com/dmis-lab/biobert.


论文题目:SCIBERT: A Pretrained Language Model for Scientific Text



论文概要:AllenAI 团队出品.基于Semantic Scholar 上 110万+ 文章训练的 科学领域bert.

论文摘要:Obtaining large-scale annotated data for NLP tasks in the scientific domain is challeng- ing and expensive. We release SCIBERT, a pretrained language model based on BERT (Devlin et al., 2019) to address the lack of high-quality, large-scale labeled scientific data. SCIBERT leverages unsupervised pretraining on a large multi-domain corpus of scientific publications to improve perfor- mance on downstream scientific NLP tasks. We evaluate on a suite of tasks including sequence tagging, sentence classification and dependency parsing, with datasets from a variety of scientific domains. We demon- strate statistically significant improvements over BERT and achieve new state-of-the- art results on several of these tasks. The code and pretrained models are available at https://github.com/allenai/scibert/.


论文题目:Publicly Available Clinical BERT Embeddings



论文概要:出自NAACL Clinical NLP Workshop 2019.基于MIMIC-III数据库中的200万份医疗记录训练的临床领域bert.

论文摘要:Contextual word embedding models such as ELMo and BERT have dramatically improved performance for many natural language processing (NLP) tasks in recent months. However, these models have been minimally explored on specialty corpora, such as clinical text; moreover, in the clinical domain, no publicly-available pre-trained BERT models yet exist. In this work, we address this need by exploring and releasing BERT models for clinical text: one for generic clinical text and another for discharge summaries specifically. We demonstrate that using a domain-specific model yields performance improvements on 3/5 clinical NLP tasks, establishing a new state-of-the-art on the MedNLI dataset. We find that these domain-specific models are not as performant on 2 clinical de-identification tasks, and argue that this is a natural consequence of the differences between de-identified source text and synthetically non de-identified task text.


论文题目:ClinicalBert: Modeling Clinical Notes and Predicting Hospital Readmission




论文摘要:Clinical notes contain information about patients that goes beyond structured data like lab values and medications. However, clinical notes have been underused relative to structured data, because notes are high-dimensional and sparse. This work develops and evaluates representations of clinical notes using bidirectional transformers (ClinicalBert). Clini- calBert uncovers high-quality relationships between medical concepts as judged by hu- mans. ClinicalBert outperforms baselines on 30-day hospital readmission prediction using both discharge summaries and the first few days of notes in the intensive care unit. Code and model parameters are available.




项目地址: 暂未开源


论文摘要:Today, despite decades of developments in medicine and the growing interest in precision healthcare, vast majority of diagnoses happen once patients begin to show noticeable signs of illness. Early indication and detection of diseases, however, can provide patients and carers with the chance of early intervention, better disease management, and efficient allocation of healthcare resources. The latest developments in machine learning (more specifically, deep learning) provides a great opportunity to address this unmet need. In this study, we introduce BEHRT: A deep neural sequence transduction model for EHR (electronic health records), capable of multitask prediction and disease trajectory mapping. When trained and evaluated on the data from nearly 1.6 million individuals, BEHRT shows a striking absolute improvement of 8.0-10.8%, in terms of Average Precision Score, compared to the existing state-of-the-art deep EHR models (in terms of average precision, when predicting for the onset of 301 conditions). In addition to its superior prediction power, BEHRT provides a personalised view of disease trajectories through its attention mechanism; its flexible architecture enables it to incorporate multiple heterogeneous concepts (e.g., diagnosis, medication, measurements, and more) to improve the accuracy of its predictions; and its (pre-)training results in disease and patient representations that can help us get a step closer to interpretable predictions.


nature medicine发表的综述

论文题目:A guide to deep learning in healthcare


论文概要:发表于nature medicine,包含医学领域下CV,NLP,强化学习等方面的应用综述。

论文摘要:Here we present deep-learning techniques for healthcare, centering our discussion on deep learning in computer vision, natural language processing, reinforcement learning, and generalized methods. We describe how these computational techniques can impact a few key areas of medicine and explore how to build end-to-end systems. Our discussion of computer vision focuses largely on medical imaging, and we describe the application of natural language processing to domains such as electronic health record data. Similarly, reinforcement learning is discussed in the context of robotic-assisted surgery, and generalized deep- learning methods for genomics are reviewed.


Transfer Learning from Medical Literature for Section Prediction in Electronic Health Records



论文摘要:sections such as Assessment and Plan, So- cial History, and Medications. These sec- tions help physicians find information easily and can be used by an information retrieval system to return specific information sought by a user. However, it is common that the exact format of sections in a particular EHR does not adhere to known patterns. There- fore, being able to predict sections and headers in EHRs automatically is beneficial to physi- cians. Prior approaches in EHR section pre- diction have only used text data from EHRs and have required significant manual annota- tion. We propose using sections from med- ical literature (e.g., textbooks, journals, web content) that contain content similar to that found in EHR sections. Our approach uses data from a different kind of source where la- bels are provided without the need of a time- consuming annotation effort. We use this data to train two models: an RNN and a BERT- based model. We apply the learned models along with source data via transfer learning to predict sections in EHRs. Our results show that medical literature can provide helpful su- pervision signal for this classification task.


Leveraging Dependency Forest for Neural Medical Relation Extraction


论文概要:发表于EMNLP 2019. 基于dependency forest方法,提升对医学语句中依存关系的召回率,同时引进了一部分噪声,基于图循环网络进行特征提取,提供了在医疗关系抽取中使用依存关系,同时减少误差传递的一种思路。

论文摘要:Medical relation extraction discovers relations between entity mentions in text, such as research articles. For this task, dependency syntax has been recognized as a crucial source of features. Yet in the medical domain, 1-best parse trees suffer from relatively low accuracies, diminishing their usefulness. We investigate a method to alleviate this problem by utilizing dependency forests. Forests contain more than one possible decisions and therefore have higher recall but more noise compared with 1-best outputs. A graph neural network is used to represent the forests, automatically distinguishing the useful syntactic information from parsing noise. Results on two benchmarks show that our method outperforms the standard tree-based methods, giving the state-of-the-art results in the literature.


Learning a Health Knowledge Graph from Electronic Medical Records


论文概要:发表于nature scientificreports(2017). 基于27万余份电子病历构建的疾病-症状知识图谱。

论文摘要:Demand for clinical decision support systems in medicine and self-diagnostic symptom checkers has substantially increased in recent years. Existing platforms rely on knowledge bases manually compiled through a labor-intensive process or automatically derived using simple pairwise statistics. This study explored an automated process to learn high quality knowledge bases linking diseases and symptoms directly from electronic medical records. Medical concepts were extracted from 273,174 de-identified patient records and maximum likelihood estimation of three probabilistic models was used to automatically construct knowledge graphs: logistic regression, naive Bayes classifier and a Bayesian network using noisy OR gates. A graph of disease-symptom relationships was elicited from the learned parameters and the constructed knowledge graphs were evaluated and validated, with permission, against Google’s manually-constructed knowledge graph and against expert physician opinions. Our study shows that direct and automated construction of high quality health knowledge graphs from medical records using rudimentary concept extraction is feasible. The noisy OR model produces a high quality knowledge graph reaching precision of 0.85 for a recall of 0.6 in the clinical evaluation. Noisy OR significantly outperforms all tested models across evaluation frameworks (p < 0.01).


医学教材+培训考试 (共57G)




