AEM Bulk-Update Postman Collection

This guide describes a classic ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) process for Bulk-Updating Adobe Experience Manager (AEM) properties.

The process:

  • has four steps.
  • is codified into a Postman collection.
  • makes use of the Postman Runner feature.
  • bulk updates AEM meta description page properties as an example.
  • can be adapted to update any AEM property based on your requirements.
  • Bonus: uses the ChatGPT language model to transform page titles into meta descriptions.


  1. Download and install Postman on your local machine. It's compatible with MacOS, Windows, and Linux.
  2. Import the aem-bulk-update.postman_collection.json file into your Postman application.

Postman Runner Setup

For each step, you'll be using the Postman Runner.

To do this, go to File -> New Runner Tab, select your respective CSV file (for step 2 & 3), pull the collection into the runner and ensure only the current step is checked in the "Run order" area.

Step 1: Extract Pages & Properties from AEM

This step utilizes the Query Builder API [1] to extract pages and properties from AEM.

  • Input: Configure the collection with these variables: ChatGPTURL, AEMURL, AEMuser, AEMpw.
  • Output: Postman will display a CSV output of the pages with properties including jcr:path, jcr:description and jcr:title. Save this output to a local file, for example, aem-pages.csv.

Step 2: Transform Page Titles into Meta Descriptions Using ChatGPT

This step uses the ChatGPT API [2] to generate new meta descriptions for each page. Our example focuses on meta descriptions, keep in mind that any property could be updated in a similar manner.

  • Setup: Configure the request with a valid ChatGPT API Token [3] in the "Authorization" tab, with "Bearer Token" as the type.
  • Input: CSV file from the previous step (aem-pages.csv).
  • Output: A CSV output containing pages with jcr:path, jcr:description and jcr:title properties will be shown in the Postman console. Save this output to a file, e.g., aem-pages-new-meta-descriptions.csv.

Step 3: Load New Meta Descriptions Back into AEM

This step transfers the new meta descriptions back into AEM via the Sling Post Servlet [4].

  • Input: CSV file from the previous step, i.e., aem-pages-new-meta-descriptions.csv.

Step 4: Final Check and Replication

Finally, verify that the new meta descriptions have been updated in the AEM author interface. Subsequently, replicate all the updated pages to the publishing instances.

