Converting a Cloud Native Application to a Multicloud Management Application


The following document will walk through the process of defining 5 custom resource definitions to create and manage an MCM Application. By defining these resources we can install, delete and update resources on the managed MCM clusters. When these MCM resources are created the changes are applied on the target MCM cluster via the MCM Klusterlet. For this example we will be walking through the steps needed to deploy an Nginx MCM Application in a targeted Cluster. A diagram of how the resources work together to make an MCM Application can be seen below:

MCM Application diagram

Creating an MCM Application


The channel resource defines the location of a resource to be deployed. These resources can be a Helm repository, Kubernetes namespace, Object store or Git repository. For this example we will be using a GitHub resource. Lets take a look at the 00-channel.yaml file and see what each section is.

# Create a Namespace to hold the Channel
kind: Channel
  name: nginx-channel
  namespace: nginx-channel
    type: GitHub

When creating a Channel Yaml file you wan to specify the following:

  • apiVersion: Contains the MCM API version for the Channel resource.
    • Required. Set the value to
  • kind: Specifies that this is an Channel resource type.
    • Required. Set the value to Channel to indicate that the resource is a channel.
  • metadata: Contains the resource name and and it's namespace.
    • name: Required. The name of the channel, we chose to go with nginx-channel
    • namespace: Required. The namespace for the channel. We want this channel in our nginx-channel namespace.
  • spec.kind: Required. The channel type. The supported types are: Namespace, HelmRepo, GitHub, and ObjectBucket. We will be specifying this channel as a GitHub Channel.
  • spec.pathname: Required for HelmRepo, GitHub, and ObjectBucket channels. For a GitHub channel, set the value to be the HTTPS URL for the GitHub repository. This is where the artifacts for the app can be found. The artifacts don't need to be in a deployable yaml, but can be discovered by the MCM cluster.

Placement Rule

Normally, to deploy an application to multiple clusters, you would need to run the following steps on each cluster:

  • Login to get the kubernetes context.
  • Run the helm install command.

This does not seem like a lot of work for 2 or 3 clusters. But the more clusters you have to work with, the more credentials you have to remember and manage. Also, if you are using CI/CD pipelines to deploy your workloads, the more clusters you have, the more pipelines you have to write and embed those credentials to, which can lead to human errors. If those credentials were to change, you would have to update those credentials wherever they are being used, which can get hard to track.

By leveraging MCM, access to your clusters is managed from a central location. MCM expands on this capability with Placement Policies by allowing you to deploy workloads through it by specifying cluster labels, which are much easier to remember and manage. By adopting MCM into your CI/CD pipelines, you only have to remember the credentials for the MCM Hub cluster. To deploy workloads to multiple clusters, you only have to provide the number of application replicas and the cluster labels that match the clusters that you would like to deploy them to.

Lets inspect our 01-placement-rule.yaml:

kind: PlacementRule
  name: nginx-placement-rule
  namespace: nginx-app
    name: nginx-placement-rule
    app: nginx-app
  clusterReplicas: 1
    - type: OK
      environment: Dev
  • apiVersion: Contains the MCM API version for PlacementPolicy.

    • Required. Set the value to
  • Kind: Specifies that this is an PlacementPolicy resource type.

    • Required. Set the value to PlacementRule to indicate that the resource is a placement rule.
  • metadata: Contains the resource name and some labels

    • name: Required. The name for identifying the placement rule.
    • namespace: Required. The namespace resource to use for the placement rule.
    • Labels: Optional. The labels for the placement rule.
  • spec.clusterReplicas: Optional, contains the number of replicas (application instances) to deploy.

  • spec.clusterConditions: Optional. Define any conditions for the cluster.

    • Specify that you only want to deploy this application to a cluster that that is healthy by adding type with value OK.
  • spec.clusterLabels.matchLabels: Contains the list of labels and values that clusters must have for MCM to deploy applications to them.

    • Optional. The labels that must exist for the target clusters.


    You can create and manage subscriptions to identify, retrieve, and deploy new and updated resources to managed clusters. By using subscriptions, you can improve the continuous delivery capabilities of your application management.

    Subscription resources can point to a channel for identifying new and updated Helm charts or Kubernetes resources for deployment. The subscription operator then watches the channel for new and updated charts and deployables. When a new or updated Helm chart or Kubernetes resource is detected, the subscription operator downloads the Helm release version for the specified Helm chart version or the specified Kubernetes resource. The subscription operator can download these objects directly, or as deployables, from the storage location to target managed clusters without checking the Hub cluster first.

    Lets inspect our 02-subscription.yaml file.

    kind: Subscription
      name: nginx-sub
      namespace: nginx-app
        app: nginx-app
      channel: nginx-channel/nginx-channel
          name: nginx-placement-rule
          kind: PlacementRule
  • apiVersion: Contains the MCM API version for the Deployment resource.

    • Required. Set the value to `'.
  • kind: Specifies that this is an Deployment resource type.

    • Required. Set the value to Subscription to indicate that the resource is a subscription.
  • metadata: Contains the resource name and some labels.

    • name: Required. The name for identifying the placement rule.
    • namespace: Required. The namespace resource to use for the placement rule.
    • Labels: Optional. The labels for the placement rule.
  • Optional. The NamespaceName ("Namespace/Name") that defines the channel for the subscription. Define either the channel, or the source, or the sourceNamespace field. In general, use the channel field to point to the channel instead of using the source or sourceNamespace fields. If more than one field is defined, the first field that is defined is used.

  • spec.placement.placementRef: Optional. Defines the placement rule to use for the subscription. Use only one of clusters, clusterSelector , or placementRef to define where your subscription is to be placed for a multi-cluster. If your cluster is a stand-alone cluster that is not your Hub cluster, you can also use local.

    • name: Optional, but required for using a placement rule. The name of the placement rule for the subscription.
    • kind: Optional, but required for using a placement rule. Set the value to PlacementRule to indicate that a placement rule is used for deployments with the subscription.
    • group: MISSING


    In order for MCM to recognize your workloads as an MCM application, you have to create an Application resource. The Application resource lets you specify criteria to associate Kubernetes resources to your application so that MCM can manage and monitor them. Lets look at your 03-app.yaml file.

    kind: Application
     name: nginx-app
     namespace: nginx-app
      name: nginx-app
      app: nginx-app 
     - group:
       kind: Subscription
       app: nginx-app
    • apiVersion: Contains the Community SIG API version for Applications.

      • Required. Set the value to
    • kind: Specifies that this is an Application resource type.

      • Required. Set the value to Application to indicate the resource is an application resource.
    • metadata: Contains the resource name and some labels.

      • name: Required. The name for identifying the application resource.
      • namespace: The namespace resource to use for the application.
      • Labels: Optional. The labels for the deployable.
    • spec.selector.componentKinds: Contains a list of the kinds of resources to be associated with the application.

      • Optional. The list of the kinds of resources to be associated with the application.

      • MISSING

    Image Policy

    If you have IBM Container Image Security Enforcement enabled in your MCM cluster, you can limit where images are allowed to be pulled from by specifying the allowed repositories to use. Lets see our image-policy.yaml file.

    kind: ClusterImagePolicy
      name: nginx-app
      namespace: nginx-app
        # allow all images
        - name: "*"
    • apiVersion: Contains the security enforcement API version for the Image Policy resource.
      • Required: IBM Container Image Security Enforcement has to be enabled for your MCM cluster.
    • kind: Specifies that this is an Image Security resource type.
      • Required: The type of image
    • metadata: Contains the resource name and some labels.
      • name: Required. The name for identifying the application resource.
      • namespace: The namespace resource to use for the application.
    • spec.repositories
      • name: name of the repository you would like to use. By setting the name as a wildcard "*" of the repository, you are allowing images to be pulled from any repository.

Creating our MCM Application

Now that we have covered our resources and know what each of them do, we can go ahead and deploy our Nginx MCM App on an Openshift Cluster by following the steps below:

  1. Login to your OpenShift environment by copying your login credentials from the Openshift UI.

    oc login --token=<your_token> --server=<server url>

  2. Clone the github repo and open the resource directory.

    git clone

    cd resources

  3. Create nginx-app and nginx-channel namespaces which are going to be used to work on the artifacts.

    oc new-project nginx-app

    oc new-project nginx-channel

  4. If you have IBM Container Image Security Enforecement enabled and would like to allow all repos to be used run the following command.

    oc apply -f ../policies/image-policy.yaml

  5. Create your channel.

    oc apply -f 00-channel.yaml

  6. Crate your Placement Rule by running the following command.

    oc apply -f 01-placement-rule.yaml

  7. Create your subcription with the following command.

    oc apply -f 02-subscription.yaml

  8. Create your application resource with the following oc command.

    oc apply -f 03-app.yaml

This will not deploy the application to a targeted cluster as the placement rule has to be met first. For our placement rule, there needs to be a healthy targeted cluster with the label environment set to Dev. Once a targeted cluster meets this criteria, the application will then be deployed to that cluster.

Note that this repository does NOT contain any NGINX deployment. Instead the 00-channel.yaml contains a GitHub repo that will be used by MCM to clone and instrument the standard NGINX deployment with the MCM instructions.