
Playground for experimenting deeplearning for image classification

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Playground for experimenting deeplearning for image classification

playground for the challenge Humpback whale identification hosted by Kaggle

Scripts do not run per se, because I did not provide pretrained models (size above 100Ms, github complained when trying to push) nor did I provide the dataset which is also hosted on Kaggle. All examples are run in PyTorch Some Jupyter notebooks are also provided when used for data transformation / data manipulation (statistics) in the original dataset.

Experiments used only original images trained either end-to-end or fine-tuning last linear layer of the models VGG/Inception-v3, plus an implementation of siamese network that behaves okay only if trained on fashion-MNIST, rather that humpback dataset.

For the models run on vgg/Inception, best accuracy is 70% on test dataset (small variation if using vgg / inception) and no learning taking place if using siamese net.

En echange, siamese net achieves 40% accuracy on fashionMNIST, trained with only 100 images (evenly distributed across all 10 classes) and tested for the rest 59900