GrouP: Luis Pino(Luispino), Greg Fussell(GregFussell), Logan Freedman(ldfreedman), Zach Scribner(zscrib0619), Jonathan Moriarty(Jona0thann), Tyler Barkley(TylerBarkley)
##Sprint 1:
###|| Sprint Goal ||
Understand domain and business rules. Also, discuss appropriate architectures and schedule of the development.
##Sprint 2:
###|| Sprint Goal ||
Adding the rest of the TigerZone game functionality (territory merging, tiger placement, merging territories). Also, developing implementation of AI and introducing server connectivity capability.
##For UMLs and more details check out the Wiki
###(wiki tab near top of screen, 4 tabs over from the main "<> code" tab)
######(Implemented on Windows machines)
1)on our GITHUB master branch click clone or download
download zip
extract from said ZIP file to a location of your choosing(desktop is simple)
open eclipse
click file > import > general(dropdown)> Projects from Folder or Archive > next > directory>
select desktop(or whatever directory you put it in)
deselect all
find and select a folder titled "TZP-Master" > finish
open package explorer view if it is not already open (Window>show view>package explorer)
right click TigerZone2 >run as>java application
select "NetworkInterface" > Ok
the console should print out "Usage: java groupPClient [host name] [port number] [server password] [username] [user password]
right click TigerZone2>export>java(dropdown)> Runnable JAR file>next>launch configuration> Network Interface-TigerZone2
then, click browse > create a new folder in Desktop called "TigerZoneP" > enter TigerZoneP> use TigerZoneP for the JAR file name and save it>Library Handling should be set to "extract required libraries into generate JAR>finish>Ok>Ok
Open Command Line(windowskey> cmd)
run the following line in command line
cd desktop\TigerZoneP
- then run the following line when you're ready to connect to a server or follow the template on the following line
java -jar TigerZoneP.jar 4444 TIGERZONE TEAMP IAMP
cd [filepath to folder you want logs in]
java -jar [jarfilename.jar] [IP address] [port number] [SERVERPASSWORD] [TEAM?] [IAM?]
After the first time you follow steps 1-16, you may simply recreate and overwrite the jar file (as in step 13) to update the jar file to reflect changes
Note- this is now obsolete due to actual server existing, use of the actual server is a better more comprehensive test.
follow the steps used 10-14 from run game instructions naming the jar TESTSERVER.JAR instead of TigerZoneP
run the following line in command line
java -jar TESTSERVER.jar 4400
then opening and using a separate commandline instance run TigerZone.jar putting your computers name in place of the IP address(you can find your computer name going to settings>system settings>about)
the printed communication should reflect the server simulating real server output up until the first move.
###|| JUnit testing ||
- First, download the latest version of JUnit then,
Unzip the distribution file to a directory referred to as %JUNIT_HOME%.
Add JUnit to the classpath: set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;%JUNIT_HOME%\junit.jar
Compile the project using javac command.
Run code using java command: java -cp [classPath] TilePlacementTest. classPath - is the list of directories or jar files where your compiled classes are, if you jave multiple entries separate them using ";" (windows)
###|| Known bugs/issues || Occasionally score discrepencies will arise between our score calculation and the server's.