Korean IME
- Well tested input engine
- Very fast
- Low memory footprint
- Write in mostly Rust no segfaults
- Allow custom layouts
Please contact with Discord or post issue
- Wayland
- GTK2
- GTK3
- GTK4
- Qt5
- Qt6
you can install from AUR package kime for latest release or kime-git if you want to build from source.
you can install from .deb file at releases tab.
It's convenient because you don't need install other dependencies
git clone https://github.com/riey/kime
cd kime
docker build --file build-docker/<distro path>/Dockerfile --tag kime-build:git .
docker run --name kime kime-build:git
docker cp kime:/opt/kime-out/kime.tar.xz .
# if you want deb file try this command instead
# docker cp kime:/opt/kime-out/kime_amd64.deb .
make sure cargo and other dependencies listed below are installed before build.
git clone https://github.com/Riey/kime
cd kime
scripts/build.sh -ar
Now all files are in build/out if you want manual install go ahead
you can also use scripts/install.sh <install-prefix>
useful script for packaging
and there is scripts/release-deb.sh <deb-out-path>
it make deb
you may don't need to do this when you install with package
because most distros doing this themselves.
# If you install gtk2
sudo gtk-query-immodules-2.0 --update-cache
# If you install gtk3
sudo gtk-query-immodules-3.0 --update-cache
# If you install gtk4
sudo gio-querymodules /usr/lib/gtk-4.0/4.0.0/immodules
Set input method kime
in language setting
Add the following to your init script
export GTK_IM_MODULE=kime
export QT_IM_MODULE=kime
export XMODIFIERS=@im=kime
if you use X it could be done in .xprofile
kime install several .desktop file that you can run
kime-xim |
kime-wayland |
kime-window |
for xim | for wayland | for hanja, emoji, indicator |
if you use DE consider add these servers as your start application
if you doesn't have start application
such as i3
or sway
that just run this commands in your config file
Read CONFIGURATION.md for detailed options.
Note that you only need deps what you need for example, if you don't use qt6 it won't required.
- gtk2
- gtk3
- gtk4
- qt5
- qt6
- libappindicator-gtk3 (indicator)
- libxcb (xim)
- cairo (xim)
- cmake
- cargo
- libclang
- pkg-config
- libappindicator-gtk3
- libxcb
- cairo
- gtk2
- gtk3
- gtk4
- qtbase5-private
- qtbase6-private