Hosting your static website generated by HUGO on a different source than your github page

We have a scenario where you are already using the default page http(s)://<username> so you need to change your publishing source.

The next path could be a very easy solution, our starting point:

  1. You have Hugo generator installed. (ref: how install hugo)
  2. You have created and configure github repository where you want save your blog info. (ref: creating and configuring Hugo static website)

Now let's check if everything went well. Deploy in local

hugo server -D 
# ........
# Web Server is available at http://localhost:1313/ (bind address

It's time to build your website

In your root directory:

# ........
# build all html pages, so the next step must be populate the document which
# have been created peeviouly

How our Hugo static website can be deployed on github page

  1. The hugo static site will need a binding to a github url publishing source:
    In the config.toml file the key baseURL must have the github url
    baseURL = http(s)://<username>$githubblogrepositoryname
  2. The hugo static site will need to know the destination to generate the static site, this is a binding to github url
    publishing source:
    publishdir = "docs". This folder name must be the same that you configure on setting your githubblogrepository pages source
    ref how configure publishing resources
  3. Check that you are on $githubblogrepositoryname and then launch: hugo -D
  4. Commit and upload the changes to remote and have fun 👍

Some hugo references: