
Play Framework with Doobie

Primary LanguageScala

captura de pantalla 2017-10-07 a las 15 09 49

Play framework Tutorial for Scala to connect to Postgres via Doobie

To run properly this project, you will need the correct version of Java and sbt. The template requires:

  • Java Software Developer's Kit (SE) 1.8 or higher
  • sbt 1.3.4 or higher.

If you do not have the required versions, follow these links to obtain them:

Build and run the project

This example includes all Play components and an Akka HTTP server. The project is also configured with filters for Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) protection and security headers.

To build and run the project:

  1. Build the project. Enter: sbt run. The project builds and starts the embedded HTTP server. Since this downloads libraries and dependencies, the amount of time required depends partly on your connection's speed.

  2. After the message Server started, ... displays, enter the following URL in a browser: http://localhost:9000

  3. Preparing your postgres db

    •    CREATE DATABASE football OWNER postgres;
         CREATE TABLE footballgame (leagueid text PRIMARY KEY, season text NOT NULL, audience int);
    •    INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('PRML', '2018/2019');
         INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('CHAMPION', '2018/2019');
         INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('LALIGA', '2018/2019');
         INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('BUNDES', '2018/2019');
         INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('LIGUE1', '2018/2019');
         INSERT INTO cities VALUES ('SERIEA', '2018/2019');
    •    CREATE DATABASE genxxx OWNER scadip;
         CREATE TABLE genhubrequest (userId text, 
         request_time timestamp, 
         requestid text, 
         requested_samples int, 
         available_samples int, 
         payable boolean, 
          launched boolean)
    •     INSERT INTO genhubrequest values ('ldipotet@yello.com','2022-10-19 10:23:54','ldipotet@yello.com1666171434',50,60,true,false);
          INSERT INTO genhubrequest values ('jfdz@gmaila.com','2022-11-19 10:23:54','jfdz@gmaila.com1668853434',50,60,true,false);
    •    ## connecting to db by psql terminal when server is started
         psql -h localhost -U scadip genxxx 
  4. To reach our endpoint After the message Server started, ... displays:

    accept = Media types which accepted for the response(text/csv or application/json)

    Accept default value: application/json

    •  curl -H "Accept: {accept}" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" http://localhost:9000/games/{leagueid}

    4.1 Examples:

    •  curl -H "Accept: text/csv" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" http://localhost:9000/games/PRML ; echo
    •  curl -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: text/plain" http://localhost:9000/games/PRML ; echo

Pending Endpoint2 Insert in postgres db => TODO HTTP POST Pending TODO Test module

ref https://tpolecat.github.io/doobie-0.2.1/09-Arrays.html https://gitter.im/tpolecat/doobie?at=57851af359cfbd4c5e8ad0c4