A pure JavaScript written transformable image component, like PhotoView or ImageViewer, supports gestures like pan, pinch, double tab and fling, works with both iOS and Android.
- 0
Cleanup non issue
#49 opened by ninjaa - 4
Image bounces back once touch is released
#13 opened by DroneKid - 0
TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating '_react.default.PropTypes.bool')
#48 opened by kevin2y - 5
Update deprecated dependencies
#29 opened by dflourusso - 7
- 0
collected in excellent-RN-libs
#46 opened by Cygra - 0
Cannot install using yarn
#45 opened by gacilu - 15
Image zoom problems.
#2 opened by susylPearl - 0
Why is /Demo/ios/Demo in the Path
#44 opened by xstable - 3
Cropping using this module?
#35 opened - 0
using onViewTransformed callback to setState() in the parent component causes infinite loop
#41 opened by personapp - 8
Android crash - getImageSize...error={"framesToPop":1,"code":"E_GET_SIZE_FAILURE"}
#15 opened by VlCTORlOUS - 1
- 0
Can this be used with the following package
#28 opened by isAlmogK - 0
Feature: Loading View
#27 opened by luco - 0
Initial zoom
#25 opened by onehassan - 1
cachable image
#18 opened by jjhesk - 0
Not work method onSingleTapConfirmed
#23 opened by leonidkuznetsov18 - 2
Can you publish new version to npm?
#12 opened by ikalafat - 1
Images not shown when too large
#16 opened by VlCTORlOUS - 4
- 0
use with base64 image data
#8 opened by pareekkhushboo77 - 1
- 1
Can't install publicly
#6 opened by fernando-sendMail - 2
- 2
Zoom function is not working
#1 opened by susylPearl