
Process DICOM files for deidentification and upload to S3

Primary LanguageScala



This app processes DICOM files for deidentification. The process includes (1) copying target DICOM files, (2) deidentifying the copied DICOM files, (3) zipping the deidentified DICOM files at a particular directory level, and (4) uploading the zip files to an Amazon S3 bucket.

There are classes in subpackages of edu.umich.med.alzheimers.dicom for performing each of the four steps in isolation:

  1. ...copy.Copy
  2. ...deidentify.Deidentify
  3. ...zip.Zip
  4. ...upload.Upload

There is also one class for performing all four steps (copy, deidentify, zip, upload): edu.umich.med.alzheimers.dicom.CopyDeidentifyZipUpload.

Whether you use the single- or multi-step process, the DICOMs are procssed the same:

  1. Copy: The source directory tree containing DICOM files is filtered for specific directories (by name and number of files within) and DICOM files (by name and SeriesDescription attribute value). That source directory tree is then copied to a target directory.
  2. Deidentify: The DICOM files in the target directory tree are deidentified.
  3. Zip: The directories containing DICOM files (or DICOM files themselves) in the target directory tree are zipped at a specific tree depth. The resulting zip files are written to another directory.
  4. Upload: The zip files are uploaded to an S3 bucket.

To minimize file I/O, source directories and files are only copied if they do not already exist in the target directory tree.

A good grasp of regular expressions is required to configure and use this app effectively. (RegexOne offers a good tutorial on regular expressions.)

Getting Started


  1. If you haven't already, install Java JDK 1.8 and ensure it's the default JDK.

  2. In order to recompile/repackage the JARs or to run the tests, install sbt. You can install sbt from here.


  1. Navigate to a directory that will be the parent directory of this app.

  2. Clone this repository with HTTPS or SSH. HTTPS will probably be much easier.

    • HTTPS Clone
    git clone https://git.umms.med.umich.edu/michiganadc/dicom-deidentify.git
    • SSH Clone
    git clone git@git.umms.med.umich.edu:michiganadc/dicom-deidentify.git
  3. cd into the newly created directory:

    cd ./dicom-deidentify
  4. Using sbt, make sure the app compiles:

    sbt compile

Running the Tests

Run sbt test from the command line:

sbt test

Note: This will return failed tests until the app is properly configured.



There are five config files, one for the app overall (package.conf) and four for each step in the deidentification process: copy.conf, deidentify.conf, zip.conf, and upload.conf. All five are placed in src/main/resources/config/. (Templates *.conf.template have been provided).

1. Configuring package.conf
  • appDirPathStr: String of the directory where this app rests, likely the dicom-deidentify folder that was created when you cloned this repo.
  • intermedDirsRegexArray: Regex string array of directories between the sourceDirPathStr in copy.conf (see below) and the target DICOM files.
  • dicomFilenameRegexArray: Regex string array of DICOM file names to include for processing.
  • seriesDescriptionRegexArray: Regex string array of Series Description element values to include for processing.
  • idPrefixesToReplaceArray: Incorrect ID prefix values in DICOM "Patient ID" element to replace with correctIdPrefixStr.
  • correctIdPrefixStr: Correct ID prefix to replace incorrect ID prefix values.
2. Configuring copy.conf
  • sourceDirPathStr: Path string of the source directory that contains all the DICOM files you want to copy.
  • targetDirPathStr: Path string of the target directory that the DICOM files and their directory tree will be copied to.
  • intermedDirsRegexArray: Array of regular expression strings for directory names that will be included in the source and target directory trees.
  • dicomFilenameRegexArray: Array of regular expression strings for acceptable DICOM filenames to copy.
  • seriesDescriptionRegexArray: Array of regular expression strings for acceptable DICOM file SeriesDescription attribute values to copy.
3. Configuring deidentify.conf
  • sourceDirPathStr: Path string of the target directory that the DICOM files and their directory tree will be copied to.
  • dicomAttributesToReplaceWithZero: Array of strings for DICOM attributes whose values will be set to empty strings.
4. Configuring zip.conf
  • sourceDirPathStr: Path string of the source directory that contains the directories or DICOM files that will be zipped.
  • targetDirPathStr: Path string of the target directory that the zipped directories or zipped DICOM files will be placed in. Note that the directory tree above any zipped directory or DICOM file is preserved.
  • zipDepth: Depth in directory tree to zip directories containing DICOM files, or DICOM files themselves.
5. Configuring upload.conf
  • sourceDirPathStr: Path string of the source directory that the zipped directories or zipped DICOM files have been placed in.
  • uploadDepth: Depth in directory tree where the zip files to be uploaded are.
  • awsAccessKeyId: AWS access key ID.
  • awsSecretAccessKey: AWS secret access key.
  • s3BucketStr: S3 bucket string, e.g., "my-s3-bucket" in "s3://my-s3-bucket".
  • s3KeyPrefixStr: S3 key prefix, .e.g, "folder1/folder2/" in "s3://my-s3-bucket/folder1/folder2/zipfile.zip".

Package JAR with sbt

Now that you've got the app configured, package it into a JAR file using sbt:

sbt package

This will build a JAR file, target/scala-2.13/dicom-deidentify_2.13-0.1.jar.

Running sbt-packaged JAR

To run the sbt package of the app JAR from the command line, you will need to define the path of some dependency JARs in your shell. Then you can pass the dependency JAR paths to the Java classpath option (as in java -cp).

First, define the path of the dependency JARs:

SCALA="lib/scala-library-2.13.3.jar"            && \
  PIXELMED="lib/pixelmed.jar"                   && \
  LB_CORE="lib/logback-core-1.2.3.jar"          && \
  LB_CLASSIC="lib/logback-classic-1.2.3.jar"    && \
  SLF4J="lib/slf4j-api-1.7.30.jar"              && \
  PICOCLI="lib/picocli-4.2.0.jar"               && \
  CONFIG="lib/config-1.3.0.jar"                 && \
  ZIP="lib/zt-zip-1.14.jar"                     && \
  S3="lib/aws-java-sdk-1.7.4.jar"               && \
  CL="lib/commons-logging-1.1.1.jar"            && \
  CC="lib/commons-codec-1.3.jar"                && \
  HTTP_CORE="lib/httpcore-4.2.jar"              && \
  HTTP_CLIENT="lib/httpclient-4.2.jar"          && \
  JAX_CORE="lib/jackson-core-2.1.1.jar"         && \
  JAX_DATA="lib/jackson-databind-2.1.1.jar"     && \
  JAX_ANNOT="lib/jackson-annotations-2.1.1.jar" && \


Run the sbt-packaged JAR, passing both the dependency JARS to the classpath option, and the class that contains the main method for copying only: Copy.

java -cp \

Note that the Copy class is in the subpackage copy of the edu.umich.med.alzheimers.dicom package.


Same as Copy above, but pass the class that contains the main method for deidentifying only: Deidentify.

java -cp \


Same as Copy above, but pass the class that contains the main method for zipping only: Zip.

java -cp \


Same as Zip above, but pass the class that contains the main method for uploading only: Upload.

java -cp \

Copy + Deidentify + Zip + Upload

Run the sbt-packaged JAR (defined at APP="target/scala-2.13/dicom-deidentify_2.13-0.1.jar above), passing both the dependency JARs to the classpath option, and the class that contains the main method for doing all three steps: CopyDeidentifyZip.

java -cp \

Built Using


@LDNicolasMay - Idea and work.


Thanks to Dr. David A. Clunie for his PixelMed Java DICOM Toolkit.

Thanks also to Saravanan Subramainian for his DICOM Tutorials.