This tool is inspired by the git bisect
tool but allows to bisect over
multiple arbitrary lists of arguments like nightly builds, tool versions or
simply list of arguments.
Bisecter is available from pip
so one can install it by executing:
python3 -m pip install bisecter
or to install directly the latest version from git:
python3 -m pip install git+
The workflow is similar to git bisect
, only when starting the bisection
one needs to specify the lists of arguments this bisection is going to use:
bisecter start '20230101,20230102,20230103,20230104,20230105,20230106,20230107' bisecter run ./ bisecter log
One can also manually tag variants:
bisecter start '20230101,20230102,20230103,20230104,20230105,20230106,20230107' ./ $(bisecter args) bisecter good ./ $(bisecter args) bisecter bad ...
See bisecter --help
for more details.