
Register a host via ansible to satellite 6


This role allows the registration of baremetal,virtual and cloud instances running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5,6,7 against a Red Hat Satellite 6 server. The role gives you the option to register your host/s with or without puppet as a configuration management tool.
It also gives you the ability to update the host/s to the latest patch level during registration. If you choose puppet as a configuration management tool you can add a hostgroup to the ansible run which will apply your puppet classes within that hostgroup during registration.


= ansible 2.1

You need to have a working Red Hat Satellite 6 server in place with an activation key allowing you to register with Satellite 6. To be successful you need to add the following yum repos to the activationkey:


Role Variables

Available variables are listed below, along with default values:

sat6_fqdn: https://sat6ldo.rdu.salab.redhat.com
admin_user: admin
org: redhat
loc: nyc
hostgroup: rhel7base or "false" if none
activationkey: ak-Reg_To_Library_soe_no_puppet or "false" if none
updatehost: "true" or "false"


For the admin password you will need to generate a vault_admin_pass variable and place the variable
admin_pass: "{{ vault_admin_pass }}" in the group_vars/all/vars file.
This tells ansible to go look for the encrypted vault_admin_pass variable in the encrypted group_vars/all/vault file.

If you are running this from a roles/ directory specify the path to the vars and vault file in your playbook calling the sat6register role.

- "roles/sat6register/group_vars/all/vars"
- "roles/sat6register/group_vars/all/vault"

Example Playbook

Including an example of how to use your role (for instance, with variables passed in as parameters) is always nice for users too:

- hosts: all
     - { role: sat6register, sat6_fqdn: https://sat6ldo.rdu.salab.redhat.com }



Author Information

This role was created in 2016 by Laurent Domb