is a python GUI application for X-ray fluorescence map visualization.
Application supports visualization of NeXuS formatted x-ray fluorescence map files with extensions .hdf5, .nxs or .nex.
To allow dynamic visualization, data is interpolated on a regular grid. Grid step and interpolation type is adjustable.
In your python 3.7 environment:
$ python setup.py install
In your python 3.7 environment:
On Windows
$ python -m x_flu_qt
On Linux
$ x_flu
- Select an x-ray fluorescence map file;
- Select entry;
- Adjust energy region either using a slider or entering energy range.
On energy region selection, the application searches for X-ray Emission Lines in the region of and prints out corresponding periodic table elements.
Periodic Table and X-ray energies data are taken from BRUKER.
Advanced options
Grid step
- size of the interpolation grid cell in millimiters;Interpolation
- interpolation method (either nearest neighbour or linear);Colormap
- allows to select one of four popular color maps.
Smoothing the image
The visualization is performed via matplotlib imshow
that displays an image,
i.e. data on a 2D regular raster. Depending on interpolation method being used,
the resulting image will be smoother or coarser.
A coarse/smooth slider below the image can be used to select imshow
interpolation method.
On some linux systems application launch may raise an error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'PyQt5.sip'
the solution is to install pyqt5-sip before pyqt5:
$ pip uninstall pyqt5
$ pip uninstall pyqt5-sip
$ pip install pyqt5-sip
$ pip install pyqt5