
A simple router to use in PHP API's

You need the .htaccess file existing on the repo to redirect all your requests to the index.php file.

How to use

Create a folder controllers in the same folder of index.php file and create your controllers inside.

  • All your controllers must have the route name capitalized (e.g. "User")
  • All your class names on the controller files must end in the word Controller (e.g. "UserController").
  • All your methods must start with the word action (e.g. "actionIndex")

Example of a controller for the User model

Route: ">/user"

Create the User.php file in the controllers folder

class UserController { // class name ending with the word "Controller"

  public function actionIndex() // method name starting with the word "action"
    return "User Controller";

  public function actionGet($id)
    return (object)[
      'id' => 1,
      'name' => 'John Doe'


Then you can access to the following URLs and see the responses

  • ""
"User Controller"
  • ""
  "id": 1,
  "name": "John Doe"