@rjhilgefort dotfiles

My configuration files.

Environment Dependencies

  • git
  • node
  • npm
  • zsh
  • tig
  • tmux#2.1


  • git clone (this repo)
  • git submodule update --init --recursive
  • ./.bin/brewfile.sh
  • ./.bin/caskfile.sh
  • npm install
  • ./install.js
  • Next you'll need to setup Karabiner and Seil with the proper key mods
    • Remove any native mapping to your control key in apple's system prefs (on any/all keyboards)
    • Seil
      • "Change the caps lock key" to 80
      • "Change escape" to 79
    • Karabiner
      • "Change Key" Tab
        • Click "Reload XML" (the install script already linked the proper config file to the Karabiner directory
        • If the two "remapping" boxes aren't selected, select them
      • "Key Repeat" Tab
        • Basic Configurations > Key Repeat > Delay Until Repeat > 0
        • Basic Configurations > Key Repeat > Key Repeat > 20