
A library written in C++17 for finding a moving path in Minecraft.

Primary LanguageC++


A library written in C++17 for finding a moving path in Minecraft.


This is a header-only library, so just include the headers you need and compile them in C++17.


Here is a simple example:

#include <Pathfinding/Pathfinding.hpp>

namespace pf = pathfinding;

template <template <class, class, class, class, class>
          class TFinder = pf::AstarFinder,
          class TEdgeEval = pf::eval::Manhattan,
          class TEstimateEval = pf::eval::Manhattan,
          class TWeight = pf::weight::ConstWeighted<1, 1>>
class BotFinder final
    : public TFinder<BotFinder<TFinder, TEdgeEval, TEstimateEval, TWeight>,
                      pf::Position, TEdgeEval, TEstimateEval,
                      TWeight> {
  virtual pf::BlockType getBlockTypeImpl(
      const pf::Position& pos) const override {
    // get the block type of the given location
    // Return: the block type of the given location
    // Example:
    return {pf::BlockType::SAFE,
            pf::BlockType::NONE};  // dummy

  virtual inline bool goImpl(
      const std::shared_ptr<pf::Path<pf::Position>>& path)
      override {
    // move the bot
    // Return: whether this movement is successful
    // Warning: the first entry of the path is the starting
    // point, you can ignore it
    return true;  // dummy

  virtual inline pf::Position getPlayerLocationImpl()
      const override {
    // get the current player's location
    // return: the coordinate of the bot
    // Warning: the coordinate of the bot is the block that
    // the bot is standing on.
    // Example:
    // static_cast<int>(std::floor(player_pos.x)),
    // static_cast<int>(std::floor(player_pos.y)) - 1,
    // static_cast<int>(std::floor(player_pos.z))
    return pf::Position(0, 0, 0);  // dummy

      : TFinder<BotFinder<TFinder, TEdgeEval, TEstimateEval, TWeight>,
                  pf::Position, TEdgeEval, TEstimateEval,
                  TWeight>() {}

int main() {
  BotFinder<> finder;
  pf::Position start(0, 0, 0), end(10, 0, 10);
  if (finder.findPathAndGo(
          pf::goal::RangeGoal<pf::Position>(end, 0, 0, 0))) {
    std::cout << "Done" << std::endl;
  } else {
    std::cerr << "Some error occurs during the moving"
              << std::endl;


We offer several algorithms to handle different kinds of situations. We recommend you use the A* algorithm.

  • A* (AstarFinder)
  • Bi-directional A* (BiAstarFinder)
  • Iterative Deeping A* (IDAstarFinder)
  • Uniform Cost Search (UCSFinder)
  • Iterative Lengthening Search (ILSFinder)
  • Iterative Deeping Best First Search (IDBestFirstFinder)


We provide several kinds of goals to meet different needs.

There is one thing to note, currently, we do not support multiple goals. We stop searching once we reach a goal.

Here is an example of building your own goal:

#include <Pathfinding/Goal/GoalBase.hpp>
#include <Pathfinding/Vec3.hpp>

namespace pf = pathfinding;

class MyGoal : public pf::goal::GoalBase<pf::Position> {
  virtual bool isSuitableGoal(
      const pf::Position &pos) const override {
    return pos == goalPos;

  MyGoal(const pf::Position &_goalPos)
      : GoalBase<pf::Position>(_goalPos) {}


If you care more about the searching speed than getting an optimal solution, we also provide a custom weighting to balance the values of g(x) and f(x).

#include <Pathfinding/Type.hpp>
#include <Pathfinding/Weighted/WeightedBase.hpp>

namespace pf = pathfinding;

class MyWeight final
    : public pf::weight::WeightedBase<MyWeight> {
  inline static pf::CostT combineImpl(const pf::CostT &g,
                                      const pf::CostT &h) {
    return g + h;

  MyWeight() = delete;


To measure the cost of a move or evaluate the cost between two points, we offer some basic measurement methods, such as Manhattan or Euclidean. You can write your evaluation function as well.

#include <Pathfinding/Evaluate/EvaluateBase.hpp>

namespace pf = pathfinding;

class MyEval final : public pf::eval::EvaluateBase<MyEval> {
  static pf::CostT evalImpl(const pf::Position &pos,
                            const pf::Position &target) {
    return (target - pos).abs().sum();

  MyEval() = delete;