
Determining the effective approximation factor of quantum algorithm [CDW17] for SVP in cyclotomic ideals

Primary LanguagePython


Determining the effective approximation factor of quantum algorithm [CDW17] for SVP in cyclotomic ideals. This code comes in support of the article:

On the Shortness of Vectors to be found by the Ideal-SVP Quantum Algorithm, Léo Ducas, Maxime Plançon, Benjamin Wesolowski.

The article is available in this repository https://github.com/lducas/Cyclotomic-QISVP-Effective/blob/master/article.pdf and on the IACR eprint https://eprint.iacr.org/2019/234.


This work was supported by a Veni Innovational Research Grant from NWO under project number 639.021.645, by the European Union Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program Grant 780701 (PROMETHEUS) and the ERC Advanced Investigator Grant 740972 (AL- GSTRONGCRYPTO


> python3 experiment.py --help
usage: experiment.py [-h] [--step STEP] [--conductor CONDUCTOR]
                     [--min-conductor MIN_CONDUCTOR]
                     [--max-conductor MAX_CONDUCTOR] [--samples SAMPLES]
                     [--naive] [--no-naive]
                     [--iteration-exponent ITERATION_EXPONENT]

Run experimental CVP on the log-unit lattice and stickelberger lattice, over a
range of conductors m. (n = euler_phi(m) below)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --step STEP           'st' fot stickelberger (step 2) or 'lu' for log-unit
                        (step 4) (default: st)
  --conductor CONDUCTOR, -c CONDUCTOR
                        'prime' for prime conductors, 'pow2' for powers of 2
                        conductors (default: prime)
  --min-conductor MIN_CONDUCTOR
                        smallest conductor of the range (inclusive) (default:
  --max-conductor MAX_CONDUCTOR, -m MAX_CONDUCTOR
                        largest conductor of the range (inclusive) (default:
  --samples SAMPLES, -s SAMPLES
                        number of samples to average over (default: 10)
  --naive               use the naive algorithm (otherwise use the
                        HeuristicCVP) (default: False)
                        run HeuristicCVP with n^iteration_exponent iterations
                        (default: 0.5)